Did I mess up my progression?


New Member
I visited a gym today instead of working out at home. I forgot my little notebook that tells me what I'm supposed to do each workout.

I did all the exercises, but couldn't remember how much to lift. I just did sets until something felt right and did my 2x10 with that, making sure to stay short of failure. When I got home I saw that I had worked much heavier than I was supposed to on most, a bit lighter on a few.

If I just go back to my regularly scheduled workout next time - is my progression ruined, because I'll be lifting lighter next time than this time on some stuff.

OHP - 20lbs too heavy
Bench press - 5lbs too heavy
cable crunch - 30lbs too heavy
Deadlift - 85lbs too heavy
calf raise - 110lbs too heavy
shrug - 85lbs too heavy
curl - 25lbs too heavy
skull crusher 25lbs too heavy
DB Bench press 35lbs each side too heavy

Not too heavy, but too heavy for this workout in the HST schedule. Basically, I did my last workout for the 10's today - on the second one. Interestingly enough - these are supposed to be my failure weights - I didn't even get close. I thought HST wasn't going to make me stronger??

Anyway, what do I do, just get back on schedule with the regular weights as planned?
At this point I would stay at the weight you used and progress as slowly as possible to allow your routine to catch up. Maybe 1 increment a week or so. However, I cant imagine one workout causing too many problems... you might be able to go back to you regular routine without any problems, but I would be surprised if you are not sore as hell.
I wouldn't worry about it much. If you want, then just stick at those weights that were heavier until you reach the point in your schedule where you would be increasing those weights... but either way, it won't matter. Zig zagging is okay to some extent, so as long as you didn't use your 5 RM for your second workout of the 10s, it won't make much difference.
Personally, I would do a reset. You could guestimate your new RM's and backpedal accordingly, or just back up enough to where you sense you can do more, since you're at the end of your tens anyway, and the fives are the real workhorse of the program - you were going to extend the five set weeks anyway, right? So what if you actually get to the RM's in a week or two? You could then do drops or rest-pause or MaxStim from there, since you are at home and can't do negs there.
I've done that too. I just carried on regardless. It made no difference to me but when I got to my 10RM w/o I did increase the loads a little just for fun as I knew I would make them. HST has the surprising ability to make you stronger too.