Difference between HST and this other workout


New Member
Hey all.. I was perusing through the bodybuilding articles and came across this


The premise behind it seems rather similar to HST. Is this some type of modified HST program? A lot of the info on there seems pretty helpful.

What is your take on this? Should I give it a try or stick HST, but incorporate some of the principles of this workout.

if you go to faliure each day after a while your cns will give up..also there is no sd so what happens when you cant lift any more weight... stick with HST..good luck
That's what I was thinking... I just sometimes feel like I get no results from the 15s or the 5s. I think what I might do on my next cycle is drop the 15s and extend the 10s and the 5s and see how I feel.
Looks like one of Ellington Darden's HIT routines from the beginning of the 90's, so:

No, this is definitely not a modified HST routine, simply because these 3 days a week (or 5 days every 2 weeks) HIT routines have been out there for much longer than HST have...

(The major difference being that in Darden's routines "Stiff-armed Pullover" always followed the "Squats" so as to "expand the rib-cage"...)  
the 15s are not for growing they are there to prepare the body for the heavier weights later on..but if you dont like them thats your shout..after doing the 15s i find the 10s and 5s easier
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I just sometimes feel like I get no results from the 15s or the 5s</div>

If you were to do HIT you would soon find out what making no gains is all about. You would initially get a bit stronger because you would be training to failure and thus stimulating your body to get better at making a max effort (there's a proper scientific reason in the FAQs). However, if you were to do squats and deads to failure three times a week you would probably start coming down with coughs and colds on a frequent basis (I did). Then you'd hit a plateau and soon get depressed that your progress had ground to a halt despite your best efforts. My advise would be not to bother but give it a shot if you want to prove it to yourself.

As Faz says, 15s will probably not give you much in the way of size gains (although so far I have managed to gain a pound or so during 15s and get a really good pump going) but they do prep you really well for the heavier stuff. If you leave them out you may start to get joint/tendon issues here and there.

Feeling like you aren't getting results is not the same as actually not getting results. What do the scales, mirror and tape say?

You should be able to make gains during the 5s and post-5s if your routine is sound and you are eating right, but it's a good idea to do some higher rep metabolic work too. Have you tried doing that?

You can always post your routine, poundages, diet info, bf % etc. and I'm sure we can all pool our collective thoughts to get you gaining again.
(Lol @ May 04 2006,13:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Feeling like you aren't getting results is not the same as actually not getting results. What do the scales, mirror and tape say?

You should be able to make gains during the 5s and post-5s if your routine is sound and you are eating right, but it's a good idea to do some higher rep metabolic work too. Have you tried doing that?</div>
I meant to reference the 15s not the 5s. I've definitely gained a lot from HST, I've been on HST off and on again and have gained a solid 20 or 30 pounds from it... the rest fat... but progress is progress.... but anyways.. I was just curious, about the routine, since it seems like it might work if you incorporate some form of SD once you feel like you've reached a plateau.

I think I'll definitely stick with HST.