Diminishing Results?


New Member
I'm sure this question has been asked and answered plenty of times, so for those that are sensitive about these kind of questions, relax and answer another post instead.

Currently, I have just finished my first HST cycle, and in the midst of single factor training recommended by some members on the forum.  
My question is will hitting the heavy bag on my off days intefere or impede with my size and strength results that I am seeing from my weight training regimine?  I train monday, wednesday, friday full body with the weights and I plan on doing approximately 30-40min of heavy bag training on my off days.

I've done bag work in the past, and going all out for 30-40mins will definitely affect your CNS. I'm not sure if there's an optimal way to structure your work (intensity, timing) or not, but you'll feel it.

As to size gains, I can't see that bag work will bring RBE any further forward, but I'd make sure to eat accordingly - pre and post shake, increase total cals etc - so that your caloric surplus isn't affected.
Hey, thehamma :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]My question is will hitting the heavy bag on my off days intefere or impede with my size and strength results that I am seeing from my weight training regimine?  I train monday, wednesday, friday full body with the weights and I plan on doing approximately 30-40min of heavy bag training on my off days.

With proper nutrition, nope, that's ok.

Make sure you eat enough, and that's ok.

I lift 7 days a week religiously. I didn't bother to measure myself at the start, but as I noticed I was getting heavier, I measured myself after the first week. Then again after the second week, and found I already increased my chest by half an inch, and my biceps by 1/8". Then after another week, I saw almost the same results - an increase of a little over half an inch again for the chest, and another 1/8" for my biceps.

Good stuff huh?

I'm simply pointing out that, no matter what you want to do or how often, all you need to look out for is proper nutrition, and of course overtraining.

If you have those two covered, you are good to go.

Regards, good luck!