

New Member
I don't believe I can do 15 dips/chins/ or pullups with
just my bodyweight. It seems most people like these exercises alot in their HST program. Do you think I will be ok sticking with:


Flat Bench/Incline DB Press
EZ Curls/Preacher Curls
Seated Rows/Lat Pulldowns

in addition to my other exercises of course.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I don't believe I can do 15 dips/chins/ or pullups with
just my bodyweight.</div>

Taank - When you say I don't believe then you surely won't, I used to have a trainee that said the same thing and man...did I crap him out!

I ahve already given you my opinion in your other thread, stick to strict incline (60 degree) curls - best stretch and any of the different overhead tricep extensions, but keep the same exercises thoughout.

It is not a big deal if you can't, and to say the least you can build up strength with lat pulldowns till the 5's, then switch, but you should give it a bash! They are worth it because of the amount of weight you can pull with them.
Taank: For your first few cycles, if you have to do pull downs for 15s and 10s and then switch to chins for 5s and beyond that's OK. When you get to post-5s I recommend upping the weight and doing negatives to really push your lats hard. They can take a real pounding. Hopefully, your strength will pick up over a few cycles so you'll be able to use chins during 10s and then 15s.

Of course, as you gain all-over strength and muscle size you will be adding bodyweight, so even though your lats will be growing you may well find that chins don't get much easier to do but you should be able to work up to 15 or more.
Yup, when I first started out I only did chins and dips during the 5s because I couldnt get any more reps out. As you get stronger you'll be able to do them for the 10s and then the 15s - therefore having to add weight to microcycle below (lower rep range).

Chins and dips rule
I still have that problem with chins. LOL

I weigh 240 right now and that is alot of weight to pull up. I use the lat pulldown bar with a chin up grip in the 15s and 10s. Then do the real thing in the 5s and negs.

Another thing I have done is just do as many as I can which may have been only 3 and then rest 30 sec and do 3 more and so on till I reach 20.