Do Both Alternating Workouts During 15s?


New Member
Hi all, starting my 4th cycle of HST and wanted to change up my first two weeks (15s) a bit. I have been doing the following ABA BAB routines for the past couple cycles.

Workout A
BB Row
DB Shoulder Press
BB Curl
Weighted ab crunch

Workout B
Incline Bench
Weighted Pull-ups
Upright Rows
Calf Raises
Weighted vertical leg raise

During the past weeks of 15s, the workout seemed to short when I do 1 set of 15. Rather than do two sets of 15s, I was thinking I would do both workout A and B in the same session, probably doing the same muscle groups back to back, e.g. bench followed by incline.

Any thoughts on working the first two weeks this way? Or would I be better off just doing two sets of 15s for each exercise and stick with my alternating workouts?
You could do an AM/PM split but it really isn't necessary. Just stick to the protocol. If you SD'd correctly (which means you didn't lift/do anything strenuous/took a break for at least 9 days) than 1 set of 15s should be sufficient. You can always do 2 sets and then drop to 1 set by the end of the mesocycle if you feel you need to. That's what I do. Whole point of 15s is to get your joints ready for the heavier loads later down the line, because most people tend to start getting some twinges here and there by the time they're near their 5 rep maxes. Heck, I know I do. The 15 rep weeks aren't completely necessary but you can do them and you can grow a bit from them if you stayed true to the concept of SD after your previous cycle. Some people only do a week of 15s as a compromise.

A plus with 15s is the pump you get. Yeah, not required but feels cool lol.

Oh and FYI you're only a cycle behind me ;).
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