Does HST really work?

Hi All Been looking for a new routine now and stumbled across HST. Ive read all the jargon and there does seem to be some good stuff in regards to the program. Ive been told to do a body part split in a 3 on 1 off style but I hate the idea of being in the gym 6 days a week when a lot of people who look like they train are in 3-4 times a week. I recently lost a lot of weight around 8 stone and i'm looking to add some size now. Think a rugby league player or like Muhammad ali that is more of my ideal body type, enough muscle to look good and good athletism. Ive been lifting weights now for about 4 months with good nutrition as in eating enough. So to cut along story short should I have a go at HST or do we think I may be better suited to another program. Also has anyone had good results in size and strength? I appreciate any answers you give. many thanks. Im 6"5 and about 97kg with roughly 15-17% BF
Have you even read any of the training logs or any other threads where people talk about their results?
Does lifting weights stimulate muscle hypertrophy?
Does a well researched program based on what we currently know about muscle hypertrophy work better than trial and error?
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I think HST is the perfect program for a Rugby Player, and vice-versa. Let us know if you want more info.

6'5 - highly envious.
HST works. I will never use any other training protocol. In the last year using HST I've gained more muscle and strength than I ever did using anything else. I have a training log here if you want more details.