Doing your 15's whit your 5 rm


New Member
Hi for all.
I have a gool in HST of after some cycles have gained so much size and strenght that my 15 rm will be my 5 rm when I am started HST.
My question is:
Have someone reached this level?In how much time(cycles)?
How much mass you have gained?
I think that when I reach this, I will have a new body.
Thank you and happy training

I think I'm pretty much there at my 18th cycle.
Probably gained 25 pounds or so, but I was highly conditioned/trained/experienced to begin with so I consider every additional pound a great thing.  I was essentially stuck for a few years before I found HST.
You're right.  You will have a very impressive body when you get there!
Never really bothered to check, but it is indeed a good feeling when you get there!

Sense of accomplishment!
I was pretty close to that on my squat and deadlift after last cycle. I just started doing dips shortly after starting HST, so that's more than surpassed my original 5 RM. It is a great feeling to be able to look at some figures and see how much strength you have gained.
Hi!Thank's for the replies

Well, is really a very demanding goal.Can you imagine someone that now have a 5rm in chins of b.w +30 kg doing this for 15 reps??It is amazing!!Can you imagine how much mass to put?
My goal in HST is to have progress in strenght and size in every cycle,no mather how much, but what is really important to me is the word: progress

Happy Lifting for all!!
