doubles-singles-partials- statics instead of negs


New Member
Hey Guys,

I am on my first HST cycle in a long time. I tried a cycle several years back and liked it then moved onto strength/pavel/staley type suff. I am wondering if anyone has had success with doing multiple/progressive doubles or singles on the lats 2 weeks cycle? Also has anyone ramoped up the weight and used Storngest ROM partials or static holds in the last 2 weeks? I am wondering if this has accelerated growth as it has overlaoded the muscles, joints and CNS? Also with the intensity of such exercises I am assuming a 2 week SD would be minimal? Any suggestions, experiences would be great.

I've seen guys who can recover from an atomic bomb in 3 days and then there's me....SD time will depend mostly upon your age and fitness I think. But I also believe that you could do anything you want to your CNS on the last day. Go nutz.
As far as I know stressing the joints and CNS don't contribute to muscle growth, max strength and endurance yes, but hypertrophy no.

I'd also advise against doing partials as you want to stimulate (microtrauma) all the muscle fibres to maximise growth, but something like 21s might be ok, like with bicep curls where you do 7 upper range, 7 lower range, and 7 full, but even then I think its just a gimmick I don't see why 20 full range reps would be any less effective.
Actually, it seems to me that I can, Peak. The 21's are really just 3 sets of 7, concentrating on a short, specific ROM, using a good amount of weight (TUT) - as compared to trying to do 21 reps with what would have to be a bit less weight.

So it seems that you would be passing through the ROM's used in the 21's, giving them a break while going through the other two, with less weight, therefore less TUT for that particular ROM.
Well, that's how I see it.

Let's say you use 100 lbs for 21's. You have in one particular ROM, 700 lbs moved.
The same ROM in the 21 full curls, say with 75 lbs. gets more, 1575 lbs.

But gets to rest 2x the time under load PLUS is not STARTING (appx. double weight) the momentum from a standstill (off the last rep) as is done with the 100 lb weight in the 21's.

My conclusion: You may be right or I may be. One way, you move 1575 lbs total, and the other way, you MOVE 700 lbs, but you INITIATE maybe 150-200 lbs. 21 times. Therefore, it seems that you would be approximate in weight total, but using different firing mechanisms, therefore differing results.

Do one, then the other, and you'll see what I mean.