doubling up your sessions?


The whole workout can be split into a morning and afternoon session. It can likewise be doubled, performing the same workout morning and evening. Keeping volume (number of sets and exercises) low is critical if doubling the workout.

The above statement baffles a bit TBH, as rest is so important why would go back to the gym and do the same workout or even hit the same muscle groups on the same day.

If u split the session up in a upper/lower fashion or something similar I could can see the point.

Just wondering how many of u do it.
I wouldn't do it, myself, but you can do it if you manage your total daily and weekly volume.
The whole workout can be split into a morning and afternoon session. It can likewise be doubled, performing the same workout morning and evening. Keeping volume (number of sets and exercises) low is critical if doubling the workout.

The above statement baffles a bit TBH, as rest is so important why would go back to the gym and do the same workout or even hit the same muscle groups on the same day.

If u split the session up in a upper/lower fashion or something similar I could can see the point.

Just wondering how many of u do it.
most on here dont,but there have been guys on here who have there own home gyms,and plenty of time on there hands,who have asked the question,?is it possible,

I managed to do am/pm splits 3X a week, a few years ago (I was in my mid 30s)
My first workout was about 7am, and the last was about 4pm - before and after work, basically (I was luck in that I had a gym at work)

Yes, it was hard going, involved a lot of eating, and I did feel tired by the weekend, BUT I did make the best progress of my 25yrs of training, by doing this!
I just wish i still had the time/energy/testosterone to do it again!

I simplified my routine, so, for example; I did Squats/Bench/Rows/shoulder press in the am session, and leg exts/leg curls/dips and chins in the pm session.

Often I did abs and calves aswell.
So yes, hitting the same muscle group twice a day (the usual 1 X 15, 2 X 10, 3 X 5) but with different exercises, so it - to me - felt no different from doing both exrecises in one session - just with a longer break inbetween?

If you do have the time, I would really really suggest you try it.
Bear in mind, I was very conditioned at the time, so its probably not ideal for relative beginners.

Feel free to pm me if you want me excact routine?

Good luck
