dropping sets on 5 rep phase confusion


I read that some suggest starting the 5 phase with 3x5 and then drop down to 2x5.

I realise what u are trying to say is u can then go higher weight possibly so the intensity would increase on those 2 sets but total load which is one of HST principles is obviously reduced.

I mean my 3x5 for squats will be around the 160k hopefully but even if I reduced it to 2 sets I doubt I would be able to add more than 5k to the bar at best, maybe even less or perhaps nothing at all.
Total load is not one of the hst principles.

The reason some people drop number of sets is to prevent overtraining when so close to your rep max. I don't do it, you don't have to do it. It's just an option that is available if you need it. Because total volume isn't important as long as you are doing enough (which who knows what that is, it's individual)
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i actually up it,some stay with 3x5 and try and up that for the other two wks,i prefer to add another set 4x5 for a wk then 5x5 using the same weight.