

New Member
I thought to add a dropset on the last set of each exercise. Is that useful way to add more volume while not spending time? And how nuch weight should i "drop" on the drop set?
I'm with sci. I'd definitely opt to do reps max-stim style and get more total reps in overall with the same load, rather than cut the load back. The end result will be more volume and more work than if you did dropsets, which should, in theory, mean more of a growth stimulus.

Max-stim may seem to take more time than regular reps when you initially begin doing it, but once you get accustomed to doing the reps that way, you'll find that your overall workout takes just as long as before, if not less time. With traditional reps, I spend a lot of time idle, resting between sets, so that 3 sets might take 15 minutes to complete. But I can do 20 reps usually within ten minutes or less, depending on what exercise I'm doing.
(Avi1985 @ Dec. 12 2007,15:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And when i do maxtim. How many seconds should i rest beetwen every rep?</div>
As many as it takes!

No, really, take as long as necessary for your next rep to be as strong as your previous one. Start out with maybe three seconds between reps, then, as you begin to tire, take 5 seconds, then 7, then 10, etc. Figure a maximum of 30 seconds between reps.

And you'll still finish 20 Max-stim reps in less time than four sets of five regular.
(Avi1985 @ Dec. 10 2007,16:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I thought to add a dropset on the last set of each exercise. Is that useful way to add more volume while not spending time? And how nuch weight should i &quot;drop&quot; on the drop set?</div>
Not that I'm against what the guys said
but if you still want to know about drops then read the FAQ. It's rather amazing what you'll find in there

Dropset FAQ
Good article, and leaning toward my curiosity about fatigue, lactic acid and intensity as they operate independently and in chorus.
Blade mentions a difference between fatigue and &quot;that deep burning feeling&quot; in drop setting the fives, and Brian finishes with the observation that this is not aerobic at all.
That gives me a feel for 'what is good' but I'm still trying to register the fatigue management of MS and the intensity of a drop set. Are they really just one and the same?
(quadancer @ Dec. 12 2007,23:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">....but I'm still trying to register the fatigue management of MS and the intensity of a drop set. Are they really just one and the same?</div>
They are actually exact opposites, IMO. One is attempting to limit fatigue as much as possible while the other is attempting to make greater inroads and take fatigue farther (further?). The most confusing aspect is .... they can both be correct. That is, they can both lead to hypertrophy.
i think ms gives better fatigue management than dropsets but in the end they still both end up at the same place, failure. unless you stop short while using ms.