Dumbbell exercises


New Member
How do I do a mandatory increase in weight on something like rear lateral raise? My 5RM is 20lbs. There aren't 1lb increment dumbbells at my gym so I do I increase over 6 workouts? Do I use the reverse fly/rear delt machine instead? I'd always prefer to do dumbbells where applicable. Also, is it okay to sub pulldowns for chins?
I'd suggest increasing like, 15,15,17.5,17.5,20,20 over the 6 workouts. Thats what i do for my light weight exercises.
Also doing pull downs to replace chins is fine. I use an assisted pull up machine when i do my 15s and 10s and then i move to normal pull ups when i start my 5 reps and i add weight using a belt in order to keep progressing the load.
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I'd suggest increasing like, 15,15,17.5,17.5,20,20 over the 6 workouts. Thats what i do for my light weight exercises.
Also doing pull downs to replace chins is fine. I use an assisted pull up machine when i do my 15s and 10s and then i move to normal pull ups when i start my 5 reps and i add weight using a belt in order to keep progressing the load.

But the site says the increase is mandatory. So which is preferred, not increasing the weight using dumbbells OR using the reverse delt machine?
No actually in the faqs Bryan says it's totally fine to repeat loads when you are using something with very low RMs or similar. The point isn't that you must increase the load every single workout but that you must progress the load over time.
No actually in the faqs Bryan says it's totally fine to repeat loads when you are using something with very low RMs or similar. The point isn't that you must increase the load every single workout but that you must progress the load over time.

• There is an obligatory increase in weight (from 5-20 lbs.) each workout. This means that at times you may be working with less than your maximum weight for any given rep scheme. This is by design. You will reach max poundages for a given rep range on the last workout of each two week block.

That came right off the HST site. Help me understand. Tomorrow is my first day after figuring out my maxes and. For something like rear raise, my 15RM is only 15. What am I going to do tomorrow? 5lb weights? Or do I just switch to the machine.
That is for the standard cookie cutter routine. If you read the FAQs then you'll get some better ideas of how to implement HST principles.