During "Strategic Deconditioning" (rest period) - what exercise during this time?



In HST, during the rest period (i.e. "Strategic Deconditioning") of 9 to 12 days, what exercise should we do?

- Any exercise at all ?
- Gentle aerobics (e.g. walking? jogging? gentle sports such as tennis/golf? )
- Very gentle weights?
- Is even stretching allowed?

e.g. What pulse rates would be appropriate?

With thanks

John Smith
I think Bryan used to recommend sitting around watching a lot of TV, using the remote to change channels, and having people bring you things...

When it comes to strategic deconditioning, less is more.
Don't exercise during SD. I would recommend sticking to the 9 day SD which fits in perfectly with the HST schedule. The last day of your cycle will be a Friday typically, so you take Sat and Sun off, the entire next week off and start again on Monday when your satellite cell count is up.
Hmm - it's a bit frustrating though because I had been doing quite a LOT of aerobic exercise (partly to lose fat) and was getting quite physically fit! (e.g. Running for 1.5 hours) And now I am feeling twitchy WANTING to take more exercise but just losing my fitness !

But what about stretching? Does that count as 'exercise'?
You aren't going to lose significant aerobic fitness in 9 days, nor will you lose any significant muscle mass in those 9 days, unless you decide, for some reason, to starve yourself the whole time. Eat at maintenance, keep protein fairly high and don't do anything. Stretching is probably ok but remember that stretches can still place tension on the muscles as well.
Would it help if I threatened to come beat you up or if I threatened your life if you do any exercise?
> You aren't going to lose significant aerobic fitness in 9 days,
Okay I have done my 9 days. But I have to tell you I have lost quite a lot of aerobic fitness whatever you say.
My benchmark is my run which is about 10 minutes out and 10 minutes back - and today I was struggling!

Honestly, aerobic conditioning is insanely easy to regain and after just one session, you'll probably be back to normal by the next one.