Eat alot during 15s?HST experts Pls Read


New Member
I am going to try my first cycle of HST but I have some questions about it.

I've noticed that most people gain the most during 5s, then 10s, then 15s. My question is do I need to up my calorie intake during 15s or 10s?

For my maxes on the 15s, 10s, and 5s, some of the exercises I just guessed so would my program be ruined if i "zig zag" (using the same weight in a different workout)?

Is there a general rule for the progression of the weight?
The 15's and 10's are metabolically more taxing so some may need to increase their caloric intake especially from carbs during these phases.

But it all depends on how much work you are doing. If you've been using 3 sets of eight and are now dropping to 1 set of 15, I wouldn't increase the calories. If you are a total newb and have not been working out at all then yes I would, if you are overfat then no I wouldn't or would only do so minimally. So it all depends.