ECA Stack


New Member
I've ordered an ECA stack called thermalean which should come over the next day or two hopefully. Has anyone tried this or a similar supp and have any info or advice.
I'm about 20% at the most BF with most of it abdominal and I'm doing HST with light cardio for warm ups and some tabata sprinting (a la Biz's post) on rest days.
For diet I'm trying to cut carbs/crap and get enough protein.
Any help on doseage/timing would be appreciated.
Would need to know the amount of E and C in the tabs. It works better if you take a smaller dose more frequently. ie if it says to take 2 tabs 3 times a day, I would suggest you take 1 tab 6 times a day spaced evenly.
200 mg caffeine and 25 mg of ephedrine--to my understanding they work best in conjunction with each other. But I completely agree w/ berserk the more spread out the better. Just be careful taking it too close to bed time. Also I suggest starting by taking just one tab a day and building on that. They have different side affects on different people.

Good Luck
Thanks for the replies guys.
I got my supps today! My Mrs found them in a bush in the front garden. The postie must have seen nobody was in and just chucked them in the bush. What a service
They had proably been there days.
Tomorrow is my test day to just try 1 cap and see how I go. I will update.
First impressions are wow! This stuff is energy in a cap. Good mood and really focused all day too. I am in an overly air conditioned office and was cold yesterday, but am fine today so hopefully its doing its stuff.
I took them in three dosages yet I just have pills of straight 200 mg of caff and 8mg of ephedrine.It's a quality product and will definetly do the job as long as your doing your cardio...MAKE SURE to not take it to close to bed or you'll never fall asleep...
You mean Thermalean RX?

To be technical for a moment, it's not an "ECA Stack" - that term gets tossed around too liberally.

Thermalean RX is actually just another brand name for Lipovarin.

It's not a bad thermogenic but it worked about the same as several others for me... but in the end I have better luck just using a "modern" ECA using 3 tabs pseudoephedrine, C and A along with ALA and a solid diet, lifting and cardio routine.
