eccentric reps+metabolic load?


New Member
How do you get the best out of eccentric reps?
Is it by performing a set of 15's afterwards or would it be better to use a spotter's help on the concentric portion and do negative reps with concentric help?
Negatives or eccentrics work best with a spotter. As you said, that person can help you with the concentric part of the exercise.

Metabollic sets are a good way to get that extra work after your set for the 5's and negatives.
I'm not sure I understand your questions completely as your options don't appear to be mutually exclusive but either way you want to do extra metabolic work of some kind.

How you go about getting to the position for a eccentric rep depends on the exercise I guess, with very heavy negatives I would rather concentrate on the eccentric rep and get back in position for the next one in the easiest way possible.


Sorry for the confusion,

My question arises because I was reading other posts and many people say they do eccentric work with no concentric portion at all e.g jumping up to the chin up bar, lowering yourself for 3 seconds, getting off, jumping back up and repeating. Then they do a set of 15's to get some 'metabolic work' - not sure what that phrase means-

I remember reading a book 'The complete guide to strength training' that cited a study stating that mixed concentric-eccentric reps created far more stress on the muscle and were far more beneficial than eccentric reps alone. So my question is, would picking a weight that is your 1rep max, lowering it for 3 and getting help on the concentric portion be more beneficial than performing negative only reps?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So my question is, would picking a weight that is your 1rep max, lowering it for 3 and getting help on the concentric portion be more beneficial than performing negative only reps?

The thing is with negatives, you have a higher load and more progression which is a key HST principal.

If you can do the concentric part, then yes, that would be better. But in some exercises, especially without a spotter, you just won't be able to do it. In that case, just the eccentric part is enough. This is because the eccentric part is the part of the lift that "creates" more hypertrophy. However, you really should do metabollic work after. Metabollic work is simply doing low-weight/high-rep sets. Among other things, this triggers far better nutrient transport to the muscles.