EDT - Escalating Density Training


New Member
I was just wondering what some of the experts here thought about this style of training coined by Charles Staley. I've seen some excellent gains using it for the last 3 months, but I'm wondering if that will fizzle out if my progress stops (i.e. - if I get to the point where I can't - a) add any more to the bar or - b) increase the number of reps within the alloted time limit.)

I've sorta merged Staley's EDT with some of the principles of HST (mainly the frequency aspect). The main difference being if I can do 40 reps in a 6 minute time-limit this week, my goal for the next benchpress session is 41 reps in 6 minutes.

Any thoughts?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">(i.e. - if I get to the point where I can't - a) add any more to the bar or - b) increase the number of reps within the alloted time limit.)</div>
I don't do anything with time limits as I like to enjoy my lifting...but as for the other, ALL programs hit your limit of progression; nobody continues forever. I'm no expert, but 3 months of continuous gains is good stuff for any program if you're not deloading. For instance, the Madcow 5x5 I'm on starts to stall out in 5-8 weeks. HST itself went well for me for 7-8 cycles before I found myself only maintaining. That's why I switched to the 5x5. For now.
Im no expert!? ( see dumbest thread ever)

However basically from what little I have read you goal is to do more and more each workout.

If you do more work you will grow bigger...but for how long is a different question?
Expand a little on EDT, I'm not sure I know it!

HST as far as I know is about the best way to extend your gains, but one can mix and match happily if keeping the main principles going!
(Fausto @ Feb. 14 2007,04:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Expand a little on EDT, I'm not sure I know it!</div>
TNation Article on EDT by Staley

EDT seems like a good way to increase work capacity--if you live through it.

I follow the journal of a guy on bb.com who is doing it for some weeks while losing weight. He's using &quot;Phase II&quot; but I could only find a link to the original, which I put above. This guy did EDT once before to good effect. He's not doing it permanently, but just got off a run of high weight low reps, and wants some training that will be lower impact on joints, etc. for a time.

Since he just tested his 1RMs on some lifts I've suggested he test again when done with his EDT cycle to see if the gains are mostly endurance or strength also. This guy is not a newb--benches mid-upper 300s raw and pulls almost 600, so if he gets stronger on a calorie deficit it will be impressive.
Yeah I don't think load is always the be all end of way of gaining.

However research from what i understand says it is???
I certainly don't have all the answers. I'd say that at a minimum progressing load is one of the main factors driving gains. This doesn't have to occur every workout, though.

EDT as I understand it does increase the load over time. Once you get to a certain number of reps for an exercise within the time frame, you increase the load for the next session.

I'm not advocating EDT, just am somewhat interested because of the guy that I mentioned who is doing it.
I tried it a few years ago and found it quickly lead to overtraining. At best, it is meant for the young and strong of heart.
(Lifting N Tx @ Feb. 14 2007,10:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I certainly don't have all the answers. I'd say that at a minimum progressing load is one of the main factors driving gains. This doesn't have to occur every workout, though.

EDT as I understand it does increase the load over time. Once you get to a certain number of reps for an exercise within the time frame, you increase the load for the next session.

I'm not advocating EDT, just am somewhat interested because of the guy that I mentioned who is doing it.</div>
Nothing wrong with asking question about other routines.

Thats how you learn a lot, its also how you start one of the longest threads ever too...hehe