Eliminating "weekends"


New Member
I've searched the entire forum and only found one guy who does this and he got no opinions on it.
I am talking about not doing the recommended 3x week routine, but rather keeping the alternate day schedule going.
Note that I have a gym at home (and more time on weekends for workouts than in the week) and am talking about full body workouts, not splits, and possible burn sets as an addendum to each workout, limiting them to 3 or 4 as was recommended by Tantanator.
I don't see the need for two days off in a row, so why not gain 1/2 day per week this way? I've always used rotation anyway, due to my erratic work schedule causing me to miss workouts. As it is, if I take two days off on the weekend and also miss a day in the week, I'm looking at less frequency, which is obviously key to the program. With rotation, I wouldn't hurt myself to miss a day during the week and would get more consistency if I didn't miss any.
I prefer to workout every other day when doing HST. All it does is add an extra day to each rep range. In the end, however, there won't be a whole lot of difference between this and the standard 3 times a week.
I think you are right quadancer..... also for me there is no second day off.... among the principles of HST is the following: the muscle tissues recover after between 36-48 hours...... so, that is every other day... the second day off is just for conveneance, to have a fixed schedule.... I haven't read anything in the principles about resting 72 hours
I agree. I personally would love to remove the 2 days off a week. Unfortunately, my work schedule doesn't allow such a routine. Wednesday and Thursday have to be my weekend.
I go 8x/week (MWF - AM/PM, TR)... and I'll shift the Friday PM workout to Saturday afternoon giving me one day off.

When I did 3x/week - my 2nd cycle I alternated every other day giving me 7 workouts in two weeks instead of 6.

- by the way, this website is pissing me off -
hmmm......Colby, what is wrong ??
Wow, Colby, you're hardcore dude! Heheh.
I'd say you're getting that error message like I was...have to ignore it because the site posts your thread anyway despite it. For me, I have to learn to put a check mark in the "track this topic" box, since it doesnt' do that automatically. That's why I've been so long getting back to this thread.
Think about it:

If the Gregorian calender was not based on a seven day cycle;

If the Christian faith had not dictated Sunday is the sabbath, God didn't work and therefore no one else should;

If previous generations had not decided to "extend" that weekly holiday to include a Saturday, working the remaining 5 days of the week;

Do you honestly think training 3 times per week is built purely on scientific evidence that after every two workouts with one day between, it is then ESSENTIAL to have a two day break (or presumably we will halt any progress made during that week). Or do you think that the establishment of a 3 days per week training rotation has been evolved to fit around the pre ordained working week and available social time.

I know where my belief lies. Train every other day.

HST doesn't say anything of that sort anyway. The basic HST workout template is setup in that manner simply for ease of application.