EMS, does it work?

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Have anyone experimented with EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation)? What is your opinion on that, can it be combined with HST)?
This hasn't been brought up here in over a year, but I recall it being a waste of your time. It's similar to those platforms that Madonna was endorsing.
what about its use for burning fat or increase vascularity? or for speeding up recovery?

I already have one of those (quite expensive by the way) and want to use it for something.
My wife has a TENs (sp?) unit that was intended to treat a repetitive Office/typing injury that I experimented with briefly the first couple of days she had it - my conclusion was that it was worthless for my purposes - and that I was screwing around with my recovery time by zapping myself when I should have been resting . My 2 cents - waste of time and recovery... but lots of fun to hook up to your kids and watch thier little faces!!!
Search the literature.

Back in the 90's I saw a lot of ads for them in M&F as muscle builders. That's just a curiosity.

My mother has arthritic pain and I've been looking into getting her one of these machines to offer relief.
are those those things that send electric pulses into the muscles that you strap them onto? I read something about those today, it says that it increases muscle 'tone' LOL good for flabby arms it says, tis bull in my eyes

unLESS it causes the muscle to move out of place and you have to contract to hold it in place (if you get what i mean) thus 'working' the muscle? i doubt that it will tone (although the CORRECT words would be losing bodyfat and gaining muscle thus making the muscle APPEEEEEAR 'toned' lol
(ironKid @ Nov. 09 2007,07:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Have anyone experimented with EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation)? What is your opinion on that, can it be combined with HST)?</div>
Imo these things are a load of bollox.

just made for lazy people.
(QuantumPositron @ Nov. 09 2007,14:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My mother has arthritic pain and I've been looking into getting her one of these machines to offer relief.</div>
I used to use a TENS unit. I still have scrapnel in one hip that I picked up in Viet Nam (I got me a arrowhead from the Indian Wars...). The metal and scar tissue was putting pressure on my sciatic nerve and causing some really impressive pain to shoot the length of my leg. The TENS unit was very effective in reducing the pain sensation.

Apparently it works by jamming the pain signals coming from the affected nerves. Sort of like playing two different radio stations at the same time -- practically, you can't hear either one of them.

The down side to using the TENS unit is that wearing the electrodes daily becomes uncomfortable over time. Eventually the discomfort of the electrodes and the hassle of wearing all the wires became nearly as difficult as dealing with the pain. So, for me, the TENS unit was only a short term help.
what do you think about using it on rest day to help recovery? It has some programs for it
Aw, that was crool, dude!  

Kid, what do they say about using it for recovery? Anything with a little science behind it?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">might not work on your ADD though</div>
thanks for your comments dark master, you give more value to those who actually want to contribute to the topic

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Kid, what do they say about using it for recovery? Anything with a little science behind it? </div>
quad, the 'science-behind' says that since the stimulus is an external electrical pulse, you can actually activate virtually all muscle nerve axons. Science says that you cannot do that by voluntary contractions (neural-muscle connections). Actually, one of the reasons because newcomers to weight lifting improve so much their strength during the first weeks is more due to improvement of CNS connections rather than actual muscle growth (though better connections make more muscle fibers work, this is, many more fibers 'forced' to growth). So theoretically EMS allows you to train muscles that may normally have little activity. This generates controversy, many (especially EMS makers) claim that works, many others say that it might give a 'denser' look, but won't induce hypertrophy.

Anyway, coming back to your question, about fat-burning or recovery purposes. The muscle contraction might not be strong, but it sure is noticeable. Those who have tried it (quad's cat  
) know what i mean . This rhythmic pumping of the muscles increases blood flow through tissues, which is claimed to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and to eliminate waste products such as lactic acid. The increased blood flow is also claimed to mobilize fat cells (one of the major problems about getting rid of stubborn fat is to mobilize it since fat tissue is not well irrigated).

This is what scientifics (EMS makers) say. IMHO makes sense, but it's also true that they have financial interests on it to be true.

I might try in the future and post my results here, but at this time i'm new at HST and prefer to focus on one thing at a time.
Yeah, well a word of warning here. In this site we won't consider any manufacturer's &quot;studies&quot; or &quot;testimonials&quot; or &quot;polls&quot; to be of any validated merit, as you suspect.
OTOH, I'd love to see some double-blind, control/placebo group study done with one of these things to determine if they have ANY merit for BB'ers at all. I mean besides amusing the cat.

Come to think of it, how would they do a &quot;placebo&quot; anyway?

&quot;Uh... I think it just shocked me!&quot;... naw, I guess not!
(quadancer @ Nov. 25 2007,02:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, well a word of warning here. In this site we won't consider any manufacturer's &quot;studies&quot; or &quot;testimonials&quot; or &quot;polls&quot; to be of any validated merit, as you suspect.
OTOH, I'd love to see some double-blind, control/placebo group study done with one of these things to determine if they have ANY merit for BB'ers at all. I mean besides amusing the cat.

Come to think of it, how would they do a &quot;placebo&quot; anyway?

&quot;Uh... I think it just shocked me!&quot;... naw, I guess not!</div>
fully agree with you,  I never trusted anyone/anything that claimed 'easy &amp; fast' results without ass busting work. It's in my genes, I tend to misstrust the easy option. But i'm aware of my nature and that I may be wrong (as I was other times before), so the initial question was about EMS and possibilities of combining it with HST, just in case any of you guys had any experience with it.

Right now I'm testing HST (in middle of 1st cycle)  
. If a try/test EMS, I'll let you know