End of first cycle..what to do?


New Member
I finished my first HST cycle and definitely want to try another one. But I have some questions

1. I've always had problems with my shoulders/knees and throughout the cycle it hasn't been an issue at all.. But after my last 5's workout, i feel some shoulder pain and knee pain. (probably because it was the heaviest i had done in a while) should I just do the SD and start a new cycle?

2. If I don't start a new cycle yet, what can I do? Just continue adding weight until I cant add anymore?
If i do this wouldn't this make it more difficult to determine my new RMs for the second cycle without having to re-do them in the gym?

I cant do negatives since i dont have a steady training partner. Do I just continue with my last set of weight for the last 5''s workout? (I think i read this somewhere)

I know its a lot of confused questions, but thanks in advance to any responses
I would SD. While you could continue or do a “de-load” and push for more strength I think both from a hypertrophy and strength perspective a de-load will better serve your needs. There is increasing evidence that an SD not only doesn’t hurt but helps your gains both in muscle mass and strength. So considering you are starting to get some joint issues doing an SD followed by a full (starting with the 15s) cycle will likely give you the most gains.

One thing to remember is that your connective tissues feed back to your central nervous system information about joint integrity. If your joints aren’t up to par this feedback will act as a limiter on how much power your muscles can exert which means your strength is compromised. SD, rest your joints, and then proceed with your next cycle is going to be your best option.
If you are feeling joint point, then just SD... you could find new maxes first, then take a 9 day SD and start over with the 15s and everything. Keeping the joints healthy should always be a top priority.
I would SD. While you could continue or do a “de-load” and push for more strength I think both from a hypertrophy and strength perspective a de-load will better serve your needs. There is increasing evidence that an SD not only doesn’t hurt but helps your gains both in muscle mass and strength. So considering you are starting to get some joint issues doing an SD followed by a full (starting with the 15s) cycle will likely give you the most gains.

One thing to remember is that your connective tissues feed back to your central nervous system information about joint integrity. If your joints aren’t up to par this feedback will act as a limiter on how much power your muscles can exert which means your strength is compromised. SD, rest your joints, and then proceed with your next cycle is going to be your best option.

If you are feeling joint point, then just SD... you could find new maxes first, then take a 9 day SD and start over with the 15s and everything. Keeping the joints healthy should always be a top priority.

Thanks for the advice guys. I woke up this morning and my joints felt much better. After thoroughly warming up at the gym I decided to find new maxes this week for a few new exercises I would like to incorporate into my 2nd cycle and I will SD.