Ending first cycle - got some questions


New Member
Hey guys,

The first round of HST was great! Put on some nice size and strength. I have a few questions about the routine:

1) If I gained more size doing the 15/10s is it better to drop the 5s?

2) How do you guys bump up exercises like dips/chinups/bicep curls every workout? For example, if I can do 20 lbs on dips for the 15s, should I start off at 10 and work my way up?

3) Is the decondition necessary if I want to switch to a different workout routine?

4) Do you do 15/10/5s for abs also?

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#1. I wouldn’t since the 5s is where you can gain the most strength which allows you to push more weight letting you get even bigger.

#2. I would try to progress all exercises every workout if possible, not counting for zigzagging, if that’s not possible then at least try to bump them up each week.

#3. SD is an integral part of HST, skip it and you won’t be getting the benefits. If you’re talking about changing completely like to 5x5 or 5,3,1 then you could go either way. Doing it will give you it’s benefit one last time or you could just jump right in to one of those since your already working at your 5RM.

#4. It’s recommended.
1. You cannot judge size gains over the course of only 2-4 weeks. The reason you feel you gained more size during the 15s and 10s is due to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy - basically your muscles filled up with more water and carbs. These gains in size would most likely be temporary if you did not do the 5s and post-5s afteward to "solidify" your gains.

2. I avoid using exercises like DB curls just for this reason. For dips and chins, it is best to use a dip/chin assist machine for the earlier part of the cycle in order to allow for better progression.

3. Yes.

4. Yes.