Ending first HST cycle...Questions


New Member
Friday the 15th will be the end of my first HST cycle.  The word 'WoW' should sum up my first HST experience.  The most common comment I keep getting from friends and gym acquaintances is "You look big!".....never tired of hearing that, let me tell you.

My first experience went so well that I am thinking of starting another cycle after SD.  I have a few questions that I would appreciate some help with:

1.  I am assuming there is nothing wrong with starting a second cycle right away? Or should I follow another routine, like Max OT, before I return to HST again.

2.  Should I do the normal 15x1, 10x2, 5x3? I remember reading somewhere that 15 reps are only for the first cycle, all cycles afterwords should be 3 weeks of 10x2 followed by 3 weeks of 5x3 and 2 weeks of 5RM.

3.  I am thinking of changing a few exercises from the last cycle.  e.g. I plan on doing dumbell bench press rather than barbell, changing my tricep exercise and so on.......I assume there should be no problem switching things around?

4.  Do I need to figure out my new RM's or can I add a certain % to my old RM's and use that as my new RM's? If so, what is the recommended % add on?

5.  Last but not least, can I get away with 9 days of SD or should I bite the bullet and go for a full 14?

Thanks again everyone for guiding me during my first cycle.  I apologize in advance if these questions seems elementary, but I'd much rather ask then doing things wrong.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1. I am assuming there is nothing wrong with starting a second cycle right away? Or should I follow another routine, like Max OT, before I return to HST again.</div>
do as many cycles as you need,as long as you increase weight you will keep growing.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">2. Should I do the normal 15x1, 10x2, 5x3? I remember reading somewhere that 15 reps are only for the first cycle, all cycles afterwords should be 3 weeks of 10x2 followed by 3 weeks of 5x3 and 2 weeks of 5RM.</div>
you dont have to do the 15s,but most on here do them and grow doing them,also if you grew last time &quot;why fix it if its not broke&quot;.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">3. I am thinking of changing a few exercises from the last cycle. e.g. I plan on doing dumbell bench press rather than barbell, changing my tricep exercise and so on.......I assume there should be no problem switching things around?</div>

its ok to change exercises but if it worked for you then why change

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">4. Do I need to figure out my new RM's or can I add a certain % to my old RM's and use that as my new RM's? If so, what is the recommended % add on?</div>
if your gonna do new exercises you need to teast your maxes on them.
if your keeping the same exercises just add on how much you feel is
5lb is ok and when you get to you RM day if you feel stronger lift more.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
5. Last but not least, can I get away with 9 days of SD or should I bite the bullet and go for a full 14?</div>

thats your choice.

I'll try to answer the question about SD...

Imho, while SD has fallen out of favor (i.e. people often either ignore it or greatly shorten it nowadays), I would hedge towards ~2 week breaks between cycles if you're an intermediate lifter (i.e. have been doing this for years). 9 days is probably enough if you're relatively new to this stuff.