Endurance strength along with HST?


New Member
I'm not so familiar with the theory, so I wanted to ask you about this.

Does endurance weightlifting (20 reps x 5 sets, 4 compuonds), afffect negatively to a HST cycle. And how bad?

And what about weighted circuit (10x60swork/15s rest, 3rounds in total, example).

The thing is, I had before coming to HST 3 heavy weight sessions(legs/pull/push split, didn't really work) in a week plus one endurance weight/circuit. I'd like to know if it still would be okay to do an endurance strength session with 3 HST sessions, or just forget about the endurance weights. I'm also training aerobic endurance pretty hard on top of all that.

Also if I could only have 3 sessions in a week with one in the middle being endurance weights, what effect would that have? I guess the muscles still would get "frequent stimulus", but the middle workout would be with much lighter weights, so the principle of progressive load would suffer...

Well this question could/should probably have been posted to SST section ( or to some cardio site ;)) , but is endurance weightlifting even beneficial to train muscle endurance... I have previously thought that the Hard rowing sessions would do that so endurance weights wouldn't be neccessary... But i've come across to other kind of info too..

Thanks for any input
you are somewhat doing endurance with the 15s,if you want to do 2 hst sessions with 1 endurance session then you are still getting progresion on the hst sessions,if your doing rowing plus cardio i wouldnt bother.