Enjoying HST


New Member
Hi all,
Been viewing for sometime, havent posted in a long time. I have 'come back' to HST so to speak after over a year of HST-like programs. The only difference really is the staggered rep ranges, and training the arms directly.
Up until a month ago I was training 3 days a week, only 4 exercises, one set of each; bench press, chin up, shoulder press, trap bar deadlift off a platform. Worked up to impressive weights training like this, added weight to the bar regularly, dropped back when nearing maxes..so very like HST. Rep ranges were 5.
Moved back to HST, mainly because I wanted to train the arms again and also because I wanted a break from the heavy, low rep sets. The 15s are a killer but I loved the pump and the challenge - that last day kicked my butt!
Only just completed 10s, but I feel stronger and defintely fresher than I have for a while. Also more enthusiasm for the workouts - really excited about hitting the fives. Will be very interested to see if I can go past my 5 rep maxes from a month ago.
Bench 270 x 5
Chin bw + 100 x 5
Trap Bar 420 X 5 (15 inch high step)
Working the arms has been great too...I feel tight and hard.
I give HST as outlined here the big thumbs up. My workouts before werent far away from the methodology, but I was hitting near maximal weights too often, not incrementing large enough (usually half kilo) and staying in one rep range for too long.
Just wanted to pass on my experiences :)