Ephedrine & Caffeine


New Member
I'm about to go on the ud2.0 diet for 8 weeks or so, starting next week.

I was planning to use Ephedrine (which I never used before) and Caffeine (which I haven't been using for many years, and was never addicted to).

I was wondering: I know these drugs have some stimulating effect (It's not like I never drank strong coffee before), and I fear that it will remind me of the strong stimulating effect of amphetamine-like drugs (mostly ecstasy and cokaine), which I have been using/abusing for a few years in the past.

Should I consider avoiding it altogether, or maybe the stimulating effect (or the 'high') is nowhere near that of ecstasy and cokaine, and it should be 'safe' for me?

(If I didn't make myself clear, my main fear is getting myself addicted to these substances because of the pleasant(?) stimulating effect they give.)
For whatever reason there was no indication for my new message in the supplements forum, so I will try another post...  
If you have a bad past history with drugs and are in any way an addictive personality, you might steer clear of this.

Not saying it will cause you trouble but why chance it? Keep the diet clean, do proper lifting and cardio and you'll be OK.
Ephedrine/caffeine (mainly the ephedrine) will give you a buzz for the first few days, but it wears off after about a week. If you aren't keen on feeling a bit "up", you can gradually increase the dosage over the first week until you're used to it.

The ephedrine high is like speed. Feeling elated, full of energy, awake, but not as extreme as ecstasy. That said, ephedrine is sympathetic with ecstasy - their effects are cumulative. If you have any MDMA in your system (i.e. if you've taken it in the last 2 weeks) taking ephedrine could give you an ecstasy high again.