Ever get strange looks?


New Member
i am aware many of you train at home so this is for those of us who go to gyms.do you ever get strange looks from people when you begin a hst cycle?i mean when guys are slogging their guts out with heavy weights and you walk in and pick up a nice submaximal weight and knock out 15.they are like WTF?i lift more than him.

i tend to leave my ego at the door these days as i find it counter productive but i just like to see the look on their faces when a big guy(or advanced trainer) picks up a small weight. not a great number of people have come across hst and they dont understand how some one can lift less and gain more,its just counterintuative at first glance.
I don't get strange looks for that....I get the strange looks when I do the heavy weights

When people have seen me lifting light weights in the past, it kinda sorta looks like what I should be lifting, not the big weights
I think it's more the way I scream "it ain't nuthin' but a peanut - bring on dat chump coleman!!!" after my pink dumbell deadlift that gets the most looks...
Yeah, I start my 15s off with a marshmallow on either end of a stick. For some reason, people think this is really funny?
I first encountered 15's in a Florida gym; but the two guys doing it were YUGE. I didn't think less; just got curious.
As Slappy said, the smaller guys look like they're supposed to be lifting light.
As for others, we shouldn't be worrying about other's opinions anyway: I learned in AA that other guys opinions of me were none of my business.
Best advice I got in a gym: leave the ego at the door and cycle weights.
(quadancer @ Jul. 22 2007,13:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I first encountered 15's in a Florida gym; but the two guys doing it were YUGE. I didn't think less; just got curious.
As Slappy said, the smaller guys look like they're supposed  to be lifting light.
As for others, we shouldn't be worrying about other's opinions anyway: I learned in AA that other guys opinions of me were none of my business.
Best advice I got in a gym: leave the ego at the door and cycle weights.</div>
it seems that after hitting 30 i seemed to develope a confidence in my abilities and understood who i was and what i wanted in life.
yet occasionally other peoples opinions of me seem to matter more than i should let them.its difficult to dismiss them all of the time,i guess the older i get the less ill be bothered by such things.
Like Slapz, I got the strangest looks when I piled 8 plates on the bar for deads and when the same guys saw me squatting every time I was in the gym. I guess they just figured I was some weird tiny powerlifter wannabe.

Deep squatting got me funny looks too and several folks told me I would ruin my knees doing them. I never even saw them squatting!

Now I train at home the only strange looks I get are in the mirror. Oh...
some guys didnt understand why i was doing the same exercises everytime i went to the gym.i tend to keep myself to myself in the gym unless someone wants help.one day their curiousity got the better of them and they asked what the hell was i doing lol.
(RUSS @ Jul. 22 2007,11:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">... my pink dumbell deadlift that gets the most looks...
Yeah, I've been doing some rotator cuff exercises. I started out with the little pink weights and have since moved up to the powder blue ones. Next week I'm going to try the pretty lace ones...

Then, when I turn around and load up more than my bodyweight for squats and deads, the spandex guys warn me against using too much weight...!

I just can't win.
In regards to Lcars' original post, I rarely get strange looks anymore with the light weights. I'm sure most people assume I am just doing high rep work. While that's true, I'm doing as many reps as they think I should be doing.

When I started HST two years ago, I received a lot of weird looks.

Eighty pounds of mass on my frame later, the looks have all but vanished.
Yeah I get wierd looks all the time...and people say to me you do the same workout everytime I see you!

Its kind of funny...and annoying.

What really kills me is how the majority of muscleheads....personal trainers and gym buddys at my gym don't have a damn clue at what they are doing.

I have this one friend/ acquaitence who is dedicated as hell....yet he has been the same size and lifting the same weight for years!

I have tried to tell these guys about less is more and frequency...plus full body workouts and they just look at me like I am crazy!

Its very frustrating once you get pretty educated on this stuff to see how un-educated a lot of the so called gurus are!
YES! tell me about it Joe Muscle! whenever i've even MENTIONED anything about frequent training to people, they go 'nah mate you'll OVERTRAAAAAIN, everyone knows that muscles take a week to recover', stuff like that ay.

but yeah, nah i train at home so i don't get weird looks. the only time III get weird looks is when they see me measuring my food...... lol ;)