examine.com, your thoughts?


Active Member
So I keep up with some youtube personalities one being Omar Isuf. In one of his episodes he highlighted a site called examine.com where they compile scientific studies (and editorial comments) of supplements. I haven't read the whole site and unfortunately its formatting comes across like a scam but the information I have read seems legit. Have any of you had any experience with this site?
They're legit.
Lyle has this to say about them
Anybody who has read anything on my site know that I believe in research and evidence based approaches to training and nutrition. Most will probably also recognize that I’m no huge fan of supplements; it’s not that I’m anti-supplement, it’s just that most of them are crap and have no good science behind them. The folks at Examine.com lead by Sol Orwell have set up an enormous database at their siteExamine.com not only on supplements but on endless other topics. Check them out.