Excessive muscle pain


I am nearing the last of my 4th HST cycle and have noticed something that concerns me a bit. Starting with the post 5's last cycle and really showing up this cycle, I've had --more than DOM's-- type muscle pain that lasts much longer than I think it should. It is more like inflamation pain than soreness. For example, I have problems holding my arms up to shoulder level for very long, even after a day of rest. What I'm wondering is if I might be pushing my volume limit a bit during the 5's (I'm doing 4 sets at the moment, and the last two cycles have been a bit more draining due to deadlifts and a few more exercises than I really should have used). I'm wondering if others who have used HST longer than I have might have experienced something similar.
Work thru DOMS. Do no work injured muscles.

Hopefully your problem is just volume related. SD for now and if it returns with lowered volume, look into the possibility of some type of injury, bursitis, tendonitis, etc. Also try an OTC anti-inflammatory such as iboprofin.
Yeah, unless it's injury (you'll know because if you tore something it will be like searing pain), you can work through it. You can be sore for more than just a day.

If it gets really difficult for you, that may simply be your body's way of saying "cut down on the volume or we start to rebel!"

Sounds like excessive volume to me. You can cut back on the volume a bit, concentrating on a few compounds only and dropping some iso's completely to see if that helps. Or maybe it's just time to SD. Remember to use your experiences to plan your next cycle accordingly.
yes, excessive volume!

Is pain subsiding after day one, just before your workout?
not? Cut down one set and see!

Injury prevents exercise completion or altogether but doms gets better after warmup! Be careful to check! You should be feeling a level soreness but a nice feeling not a nasty feeling, do not confuse the two!
When you say that you have problems holding my arms up to shoulder level for very long, even after a day of rest, is that because of a painful feeling in the muscle or your shoulder joints?

If it's muscular and in both shoulders then it sounds like your muscles are taking a beating but all is really OK. The extra volume is perhaps a little too much during the post 5s. If you are doing 2 exercises per body part (say chins and rows) in the same w/o, drop back to one and alternate until the end of the cycle.

If it's in your joints and/or ligaments (some form of -itis as O&G pointed out) then it's more likely that the extra volume with heavy 5s is starting to take its toll in a more serious way. This can take longer to heal and you would be wise to SD now.

Are you taking EFAs? I found that my joint pain during 5s and post-5s is now under control if I take a daily dose of a decent EFA blend (I use the Omega 3-6-9 from NOW®, described as an optimal blend of essential fatty acids sourced from organic Flax Seed, Evening Primrose and Olive Oils and expeller-pressed Wheat Germ Oil). I also take cod liver oil capsules with my evening meal. These helped keep any hip joint and rotator-cuff pain during 5s last cycle to an absolute minimum.

I am about to hit 5s for 4 sets this cycle for the first time but I will also be doing a 10 rep set to finish off each exercise. Perhaps you could try this next cycle too?

I really want to be able to extend the 5s this cycle so I will be monitoring joint pain closely and will back off the volume if it starts to rear its ugly head again. Hope you manage to sort yours.
It's because of soreness. Strangely I can still do the workout (and for the most part, the soreness goes away till the next day, though I know I've worked out!). I am sore everywhere the next day and it remains until the next workout; even hard to get out of bed!

I think I'm just pushing a bit beyond my body recovering well and probably do have some low level -itis; it happens to us older guys (49)! Even with this lingering muscle pain however, these two cycles have been very productive; I've outgrown my clothes! Especially shirts. I have trouble getting them on and off!

This is my last week before SD, so I might take it a little early. Thanks to everyone who responded!
Woops! About EFA's. yes I am taking them and increased the amount lately to see if it would help. I resist taking anti-inflamatory stuff unless I have to, but it has helped the few times I've taken it. One thing for sure is that I greatly underestimated how much deadlifts would take out of me - much more than squats.
Me and JV agree that count Dracula himself invented them, but man...they make you grow like a weed, that is for sure!
Deads are brilliant because they tax your entire system so thoroughly - even the bits you don't think are working hard are in fact working hard. I often find that heavy deads give me really sore abs the following day.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Me and JV agree that count Dracula himself invented them</div>
I have them tomorrow and am starting to get sweaty palms just thinking about them!
LOL, guys

I have heard of a guy or two who do deads off a low setting on a cage, kinda like just below the knees but off the floor.

This is very tempting! Has anyone tried and doews it work as well or is it one of those partial reps = partial results things!
I hate deads.


I just don't know why I can't stop doing them in my routine.

Faust, do you mean not putting down the barbell on the floor in between reps? I suppose that would depend on how low it goes. I suppose (not sure) that if it's maybe just 2 inches off the floor, it won't make the deads useless or something. Hey, do whatever floats your boat
as long as it gives you th results you want, anyway.



It may end up being easier on the back which will mean that the load can ceratinly go further and get bigger.

I am talking at about 40 cm = 16&quot; off the floor, I have a rack at home that can do this and then if it is ok, it still works the back, but not so much the legs then, and the bending of the back is less thus the lower back does not get &quot;so offended&quot;
I have a pic of a girly deadlifting a huge amount of weight the way you describe (I must scan it and post it). I think it was attached to an oldish article on strengthening ligaments. However, as I see it there would be lots of other benefits. Traps, forearm and bicep loading would be greater etc. It may be a good idea to try this for post-5s and see how it goes? Of course, your joints will take more of a hammering.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Of course, your joints will take more of a hammering.</div>

Darn, with the normal Deads they have even worst! So its a go! I am going to try it!
(Fausto @ Jun. 28 2006,14:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So its a go! I am going to try it!</div>
Fausto the Guinea-pig Man strikes again! Woohoo!  

I may do the same at the end of this cycle.
The lowest point is 16&quot; off the floor? We are talking about the biggest plate right?

How do you get the lowest point that high? I suppose you are standing on a platform way higher than ground-level where the barbell would be.

I''ve never seen a rack for deadlifting though (well, I don't see a lot of things). What's that like?
Just put the safety pins in a regular squat rack to where the bar is resting on them 18&quot; above the floor, and deadlift from there.
I do deads with a trap/deadlift bar standing on a box about 12&quot; high. This bar lets you stand straight up and squat down in such a way that it really works the legs, I'd say as well or better than squats (esp if you are built like I am, with short legs and a longer torso. Squats and I don't get along real well - a balance thing).
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The lowest point is 16&quot; off the floor? We are talking about the biggest plate right?</div>

No, dude, the bar, it is the lowest point on my rack, bt it does allow one to squat a little better when picking it up.

I'll give it a bash and let you guys know!