Exciting Times: First HST routine


New Member
Alright after reading some post and doing some posting myself I decided on an alternating 3-day on routine.

Heres what I got so far:

SLDL -possibly changing out with leg curls
Military Press
Side laterals
Flat Bench
Bent rows
Lat pull downs
Close grip curls/Overhead press -arms are stubborn for me

Incline Press
Bent rows -switch for cable rows?
Military Press
Side Laterals
Incline curls/ pushdows

But I have some quesitons, along with just the arrangment and choice of lifts. What about including some trap work? I know that with deads theres alot of trap work being done, but what about on squat days? Would this addition be valuable, or simplying hinder my growth in other areas?
Also about about the second leg lift in both spilts? I would to keep the deadlifts and squats seperate, but I was wondering about the placement of leg curls and SLDL? Should leg curls be with deads or squats? Also I dont really feel that much of a hamstring workout with SLDL, is there another hamstring lift that I could do?
(sorry for all the questions)
Whats the deal with most of the HST routines having Dips included in it? I mean I totally agree that dips are an excellent lift and I enjoy them, but would I see more benefict from just flat and incline, or would the addition of dips to one of the spilts be benefical?

Also, and last question I promise, Is this all possible with a hour time limit? Especially for the 3x5s?

thanks everybody
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What about including some trap work? I know that with deads theres alot of trap work being done, but what about on squat days? Would this addition be valuable, or simplying hinder my growth in other areas?

I have added shrugs on my squat days, using the same weight I used on the previous DL day.
the routine looks good. maybe a little long, but I don't know your experience level. I wouldn't worry about shrugs b/c you're getting them w/ deads &amp; to a lesser extent w/ rows, chins, &amp; squats if you crush your shoulders together.

most seem to do incline bench &amp; dips or flat &amp; dips. if you're doing flat &amp; incline bench, don't worry about trying to fit dips in there.

you should be able to get it done in about an hour. also, when I (&amp; some others) get to the 5s we drop things like SLDL, side laterals, possibly curls, etc. so even though your rest perios will be longer you will be doing fewer exercises.
thanks for the help,

But what about the leg work? Should I include a hamstring workout in after deads? Or is just one on squat days enough? And whats better leg curls or SLDL?

Would anyone recommend doing dips in place of incline or flat? Or possibly adding it in on one of the days?

Thanks again for the advice
it appears to me that youve done some reading on the forum before your questions. good for you.

ill throw out my .02 but with the disclaimer that w/o's can/are individual so it will take time to find what does work best and what you like best.

traps- if this is your 1st cycle dont worry about the trap work. you may develop them with just deadl and shoulder work or you may not. if not work them indiv. on a later cycle but see how you go with just the basics.
legs-squats and deadl are fine to alternate. SLDL is superior (imo) to other ham exer, other then actual deadl. check the web for some form pointers if you dont feel they are hitting the hams. just deadl on w/o B for hams should be fine.
dips- they are an excellent exer for chest (and tri) development. so is inc bench (or db) and so is flat bench (or db). others may chime in with their choice but that will be b/c they have tried them all and have settled on the one (or 2) that works the best for them. i recommend you do the same. no need to try and add it in this cycle (your doing enough already) but certainly substitute dip for one of your chest exer next cycle and then make up your own mind.
time-you should complete this w/o in under an hour easily for the 15s (1 set each) and about an hour for the 10s (2 sets each) as long as you dont take too much rest btw exer. for the 5's just drop the side laterals out of you prog (heavy milt press is enough) and it should take about an hr. you can even drop side lat out alltogether and concentrate on pushing up some serious wgt in the milt press and watch you delts grow.

random thoughts- try close grip supinated chins each w/o for your bi's and lats. much better then bi iso's and as good as a row yet in 1 exer. if you dont think you can do many reps just cluster them until you get stronger. seperate your delt work from your pec work (w/o A) by at least 1 other exer. doing milt. press and side lat before flat bench will just kill your bench wgt. ant. delts are very involved in bench so giving them a little time to recoup (1-2 exer) will help keep the wgts &quot;truer&quot;.

bottom line the compounds are you most important exercises. if you w/o is too long or too much drop iso's (bi, tri, side lats) and stick with main exer. also remember diet is at least 1/2 the equation. you could have the perfect w/o program and stick with it religiously but you wont get anywhere if your not eating enough.

good luck