Experiences with twice weekly


Been doing the 3x/wk full body thing for the past 6 months or so , am starting 2x/wk using a push/pull split- 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off.My only reason is to accomodate a much larger number of exersises.Any personal experiences, thoughts , tips as to hitting exersises twice a week? Is it worth it or is it a step down from 3x/wk in terms of growth?Thanks...
In my mind, less frequency = less growth. Unless you are training for strength or have some time issues (and you don't since you are splitting 2x/week), then I advise against lower frequency.
Weekly volume is what matters, and if you are doing ALOT of exercises then twice/week might be perfect for you.
Bryan Haycock prefers to do 6 days/week upper lower split to accomodate his mulitple exercises.
But twice/week is fine as long as you keep the volume up each session.
To further clarify- hitting each exersize 2x a week will result in 4 total W/O's a week, 1 up from my previous 3 each week.Each muscle will get hit more intensly and from more angles yet 1x a week less frequently...

The other option would be an AM/PM split 3x/wk , perhaps too much volume?The key here is that I've accomplished quite a bit (240 @15-18%bf, all my lifts are in the "big boy numbers" except OH squat) and I wanted to go into the lab so to speak on the "hitting a muscle from all angles" thing for a cycle and see personally what will happen if a body used to TBT 3/wk using 4 compounds (very simplify and win) is suddenly shocked with a short cycle of planned overtraining still using all compounds but now using 9 of them and hitting some muscles from up to 3-4 "angles".

The overall plan would be to rotate 5x5 with 3x3 on all exersizes .
I'm still thinking for pure bulk (no strength/performance goals), 3x per week is better, with slightly less volume, but the studies may disagree with me.

However, if you're doing 4 split programs a week (twice per body part), you're still stimulating your growth hormones 4 times per week. I don't know how much growth hormone stimulation is local and how much is systemic, but it makes sense that if you load your body more often with big compounds, but each bodypart gets loaded less often, then you'd be getting the best of both worlds.

But if we followed that logic we'd end up with 4 day splits again...

We know once per week isn't optimal because its too infrequent, we know 4 times per week (per bodypart) isn't optimal because there's not enough recovery time, but whether 2 or 3 times is better, well I think its much of a muchness, noone's achieved significantly better results with either.

From a physiological viewpoint, 3x per week would be better for growth as it creates a more frequent anabolic envirnonment, and 2x per week would be better for strength as it gives the CNS more time to recover and adapt, but when we're talking about load does your body know if its straining for bigger muscles or more strength? I don't think so...

So enough rambling, bottom line is I've never heard of anyone achieving significantly better size or strength improvement from switching between 2 and 3 times per week. They both work about the same.
There is a thread in here regarding 2x/3x splits, and the final consensus as I remember was as Sci said in post 3; overall load was the most important factor.

I've done many shock routines in the past successfully, and they worked for me because I was stupidly doing that 'ol 3 sets of 8 stuff, without progression.
About that: We simply didn't realize that even though we failed at a given weight, we would be stronger next workout due to sleep recovery. So when the mind is wrapped around a failure mentality; you fail.
I know also that shock routines work even when you're doing things correctly, but as to wether or not they improve a cycle, I can't guess. This will be a neat experiment to watch if RUSS KEEPS THE OTHER VARIABLES CONSTANT!
PUH-LEEZ!!! I hate it when someone takes ten supplements and says 'this one' or 'that one' is working. Same for exersizes and routines.