Extended 5RM work


Active Member
What do you people think of continuing to work with 5RM weights while there's progress going on, without limiting yourself to just 2 weeks of it? Maybe 3 weeks? 4? Is it permitted? Thanks.
Not only is it permitted, it is encouraged. No reason to end your cycle if you are still progressing.
Thanks, but when do you decide that progress has stalled enough to end the cycle? Is it like 3 workouts in a row without being able to progress either in total reps and/or weight? Assuming training is done 3 times a week. I'm thinking of extending my 5RM weeks, I've never done that before.
I alwayys try to extend the heavy phase of a cycle, for as long as possible. I used to do my whole body with max-stim, just so I could keep pushing the heavy loads for an extended period of time. This last cycle I just finished, I had every intention of extending the 5s for a week, but by the time I completed second week 5s at my 5rm for 5 sets of 3 reps, I was toast. Beleive me, you will know when it is time to quit. If you feel you CAN continue without injury or CNS burnout, then by all means keep going heavy for as long as possible.
Thanks, here are my inclined bench 5RM weeks from previous cycle:

<style> <!-- BODY,DIV,TABLE,THEAD,TBODY,TFOOT,TR,TH,TD,P { font-family:"Liberation Sans"; font-size:x-small } --> </style>

[TD="width: 102"]77x4,3 + 60x4 dropset
[TD="width: 95"]77x5,2 + 60x4 dropset[/TD]
[TD="width: 123"] 80x2x2
[TD="width: 89"]80x2x2[/TD]
[TD="width: 193"]80x3,2 + 60x5 dropset[/TD]


Weights are in kilos, 75x5,3 meaning 5 reps in the first set, 3 in the second.
You see, 80 came in harder than I had thought. Just as I was about to move on (80x3 progression) I had to end the cycle, and end it prematurely if you ask me. So this time around I'm really thinking of taking it closer to the limit, hopefully not breaking my ligaments in the process :)