Extending 5's and Eccentrics ??


New Member
After the 6 week cycle of 15/10/5 I have heard forum users (and Bryan) say "just extend the 5's or do negatives!" for two more weeks....


1. "Extending the 5's --- Using the same weight as workout #6 for 6 more workouts?" Add weight or keep doing the exact same workout?"

2. "Do Negatives!" --- At the same weight of workout #6 of the 5's, or do we add weight?"  "I was under the impression of adding weight doing decreasing concentrics, and increasing eccentrics?"

3. One set? Two Sets? [on eccentrics]

Any thoughts on this would be helpful.  Thanks.
Is your name after the late Jonpaul Sigmarrson? He was formely the world's strongest man, and had one of the biggest, baddest physiques I have ever seen!!!
I am not sure how big his arms were, but I watched him on video win the arm-wrestling portion of the contest a long time ago against some huge russian dude who was like 7 ft. tall and 400 lb.s, Sigmarrson was much smaller, but this arms were popping out like crazy when he beat the guy, his arms have got to be like 25", just insane!
(scientific muscle @ Dec. 29 2006,17:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You new guys would save alot of questions by going to the HST FAQ.

I linked a thread which answers your FAQ here:Negatives FAQ

You're welcome!
I read this document three times (all 132 pages) and there is no mention of my questions.

Actually, I thought of the questions after reading page 19 of that document!

This new guy reads before asking questions!

Anyone else?
Read it again, the answer is there.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you are unable to do negatives on some or all exercises, you simply use your 5RM (the load you used in your 6th and last workout of the 5s block with) for another 2 weeks. I.e. the load should be kept constant for the last 2 weeks of your HST cycle. If you have gained a lot of strength, you may increment the load further for a couple of workouts - but avoid going to failure.

Eccentric lifts, or sometimes called &quot;negatives&quot;, are when you use more weight than you can lift. Eccentric reps/negatives should be done in a controlled fashion. Aim for a lowering cadence of 2-4 seconds. Negatives begin AFTER the last 5-rep week. This is where Hypertrophy Specific Training differs from traditional routines. Never fear, if volume is kept low and training frequency kept high, you will experience breakthrough growth.

If you train alone, there are many exercises you can't do negatives on simply because you would need a partner to help you lift the weight first. If you do train alone - or if you feel any particular strains or aches - I would suggest that you just continue using your 5 rep max for each exercise for an additional 2 weeks after finishing the first 2 week block of 5s. You should see good results using your 5 rep max for an additional 2 weeks.

Exercises suited for negatives if training alone are any unilateral exercise using dumbbells, machines, or cables - aiding the concentric by using both hands or legs. On other exercises like dips and chins you can do the concentric by pushing yourself up with your feet.

There are two approaches to the progression.

- Select a load which is approximately your 2-rep max and do 1-2 concentric+3-4 eccentric reps for all 6 workouts of this phase. This is the easiest way and should be followed for your first try with the program.

- After your last workout of 5s, continue the progressive increments for each workout until you can no longer control the weight on the descent for 2-4 seconds. You may also vary the concentric:eccentric rep number ratio. E.g for the first workouts in the negatives microcycle, you may do 3-4 regular concentric/eccentric reps+1-2 eccentric-only reps. On the last workouts of negatives you may do 5 eccentric-only reps. This is for more advanced lifters, as the injury potential would be greater from the heavier loads that will be lifted.
To extend the 5's, I just keep adding weight each workout or when I make all 3 sets of 5 and I don't stop at 2 weeks, I keep going until I hit a wall.

With neg's, the same thing. I can't do neg's on every exercise, so while I extend the 5's for bench and rows, I do neg's for chins and dips. I do 2 sets of 5-6 and add weight every workout.
Yeah, the whole point being to continue progression. I hate negs tho. By the time I get to failing at 3x5's, I'm too shot out to continue any more.

&quot;Mama didn't make us smart or pretty, but I can lift heavy things!&quot;
I've posted several times what I recommend for extending the 5s for up to 8-12 weeks. I'll try to dig up one of the posts and link it here, or you could try and see if you can get the search option to work for you.
I'm not set up very well at all for negatives so I do the next best thing which would be &quot;cheating&quot;. Start with a weight you can do for like 2 reps and then lower it down a 3rd rep but only halfway and do &quot;half reps&quot; say 3-4 times.

Don't know how well that would work for anyone else but it has worked awesome for me, and can't imagine a workout without doing it.