Extending 5's vs the eccentric microcycle


New Member
I was wondering what you guys are doing, when going for better 5 RM's.

Do you complete the full cycle, including negatives, and then go for new RM's?
Or do you extend the 5's (week 6) until no further strength is gained, and then go for negs?
I don't do negatives at all. I extend the 5s as long as possible until no further strength is gained, record the new 5 RMs, then I do a week or two of 3s or else a week of max singles on the big lifts.
Thanks Totentanz, I might try that out.
Any particular reasoning behind skipping negatives?
Also, is this aproach for strength mainly, or hypertrophy? (noticing your PR's lead me to belive, you might be focusing on strength)
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I skip negatives due to risk of injury. I think negatives are great for growth and when I've used them, I've experienced good results but they beat up my joints too much to be worth it.

Yes, my approach of doing max singles is mostly oriented toward strength. However, you could add in some lighter myo-rep stuff after the heavy singles if you were more concerned about hypertrophy.
I think i'll stick with the negatives for a while then. I've been out sick for a year or so and my weights aren't realy up there yet.
What i've been doing, is going for new 5RM's on exercises for which negatives are unsafe. Still feeling the joint strain though, which don't leave much room for going past the 2 week standard.
Feeling i'm missing out at the end of the cycle I thougt i'd focus on extending the 5's at some point in the cycle, for all lifts.

Would you consider it more effective post or prior to the eccentric cycle?
I'm leaning towards going for new RM's at the end of the 5's and then calculate my eccentric weight, based on the new RM's. Then negatives for 2 weeks or until a joint starts to complaint.

Any thougts on that?
I think that would definitely be worth a try. One caveat, be sure to add in some higher rep work during the negatives to try and get metabolic work in and to hopefully keep the joints feeling ok. I find also that dosing with fish oil and keeping enough fats in the diet will help a lot with the joints as well.
Great, i'll give it a shot this cycle, and stick with it for a while, if it works out.
I always rep a bit with lighter weight before negs but that would be it. But seeing as the negatives will be relatively heavier, i'll be sure to include high reps.
Never done that before though. would you suggest post or prior to a given eccentric exercise? ..If it matters.

Fish oil is covered, as i have fish on the menu 5-6 days a week. Fat in general i'm not sure about. I'll keep it in mind during negatives.
I try to keep fat calories around 25% or so when going real heavy, I feel like it keeps my joints feeling healthier.

I would do all the negative work first during your session then just do higher rep stuff on whatever you think you need to. So if you think pecs need work, for example. You could do full body with higher reps but that might end up being too much work.

I would either do a 15 rep set or do 15-25 myoreps after your negatives.