Extreme sporter + HST?


New Member
Hey guys im new to this forum and im really looking forward to work with HST, but i have a few questions first.

Age 19 years old
Gender: Male
Height: 177 Centimeters
Weight 65kg

I work out 3 times a week with a Split workout routine and i practice 2 times a week ''Martial arts tricking'' been doing both for 3 years now.

Injury: I have a weak left shoulder ( I had a Scapula dyskinisis ) i have a feeling it goes out somtimes but it doesn't hurt so thats fine.
Also i had a Gluteus Medius weakness which led to lower back pain but thats getting better by each day. ( can sqaut etc ).

For those who don't know what Martial arts tricking is here is a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGtn68dX-iw

So my week looks like this

Monday: Gym workout
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: Tricking training
Thursday:Gym workout
Friday: tricking
Saturday: Gym
Sunday: rest

So im not really unknown to training but i would like to have some feedback about training with HST beqause i also sport 2 times in the week, and with a minor injury hope you guys can help me out. Is it safe for me to start HST or should i wait abit and strenthen my shoulder and lowerback first?

thanks HST forum

PS: i don't benchpress or dumbell press and dips are my worst enemy cus they cause alot of pain in my shoulder.
I would advocate doing your weights training prior to your martial arts, a few hours before on the same day. I've previously done a lot of karate and currently am doing a lot of boxing, with significant amounts of sparring work, and it's much much easier to get your weights done before what is essentially a cardio workout. Alternating the days weights-tricking-weights-tricking will be very taxing on your nerves, how you "feel".

Not that it's impossible, but it won't be easy at all.