false estmination


New Member
this my first hst cycle i read alot about it in forum pdf and every where
i arranged a schedule of hst but after i knew my weight max in 15 10 5 phase

the strange point after i begin with 75% of max weight i cant reach 15 rep in some exercises so i lowered the weight in 2nd day of 15s and i was forced to repeat weights in 3rd day and ithink i will do so in 4th day

i want to know how many times i can repest the weight ?
and what i can do if as ex reached 10rep in the 15s phase
i move to next exercise or what ?

thnx for help all
If you know your 15RM and you are using 75% of your 15RM there is no reason you can't complete 15 reps unless there is something WAY off like bad diet, sickness or something like that. I think you should retest your 15RM, 10RM and 5RM in all exercises you'll be using, take a few days off to recover and restart your cycle. The first day of the 15s you should use 75% of you 15RM for that exercise. Second day something like 80% of the 15RM. For the first day of the 10s you should use 75% of your 10RM and so on.
Hey Butcher, give us a little more to go on. Tell us what exercises you are doing and what frequency you are working as well. Since you are just starting the cycle we can probably get you back on track.

It is very odd to not be able to hit 75% of your PR so soon after setting the PR weights without it being some other cause as electric already mentioned. Hopefully some more details about your plan will clear this up.
here it is

incline db chest
chins up
bent over row
military press
lateral raises
rear delt db
traps db
incline db bi
over head extension tri
standing calf raises

i do one set in 15s phase

i want to ask if i used hst for upper body only that is ok ?

as i have well developed larger legs that makes my upper body looks small and i want to balance that