Farmer's Walk in HST


New Member
i just love doing Farmer's Walk, one of my favorite exercises, makes me feel like a tough motherforker.
i will probably incorporate one set as the last set from the 10s and on, using a weight that will allow me to walk for ~20-30 seconds and increase the weight each workout as i normally would for any other exercise.
just let me know what you think of this.

The farmer's walk can be a great so called "finisher", an exercise that at the end of the session kicks your gluteus maximus :) .

However, I wonder if this is really a good idea when training the HST way. It can probably be a bit tricky to incorporate an exercise of this type while still keeping intensity low. I suppose one could use the farmer's walk in other ways than as a finisher (that's just the way I've been using it), but it is still a kind of intensity/endurance exercise, and I wonder if it is possible (with regard to results) to perform it with submaximum weights.

I wouldn't use it myself until hitting the lower reps (5's), for the above reasons.

/ R
I'd hold off using it until your last 2 weeks - the heavy stuff. That's when the extra tension is gonna be needed and when your volume is low, you can prob. handle the CNS drain a bit better.
yeah those where my concerns about doing it
last two weeks as in begin doing them during the post-5s or begin doing them on the 5s?
(since i plan on continuing post-5s as long as i am gaining, so it could last mroe than two weeks [knock on wood])
well i just found out that the awesome gym on campus that i planned on using is CLOSED UNTIL NEXT SEMESTER so i am forced to use the small @ss one which was overcrowded anyways now it will be twice as bad. so besides that general problem now i have no room in which to do Farmer's Walks :confused:
so what i thought of was instead of doing FW on lifting days in the gym do FW as my cardio on off days using the fire-exit only stairwell for my dorm(no traffic) with a plastic milk crate loaded with books in each hand.
i could keep the same weight(#of books :D ) and time of each session for the whole cycle just change the number of times i go up and down the stairs to gradually increase metabolism as the weights i use in the gym get heavier.
like for the 15s take the steps 10x and then for the 5s take them 30x.
or i could just do 10minutes for the 15s and 30min for the 5s.

also this may help since i am only lifting 3x a week i can get some of the benefits of lifting everyday such as increased protein synthesis.