Fat loss, Strength Gains and Hypertrophy?


New Member
I'm in my second week of 10's (first HST cycle) and am losing around 1.5lbs each week without any cardio. I know almost everyone says you can't lose fat and gain lean muscle mass at the same time but my strength gains are improving each workout and I'm not a neewbie who just started lifting.

I'm not sure I completely understand why we must eat inevitably to the point of gaining fat to increase muscle mass and then spend weeks trimming off the lard to get back in shape potentially wasting a whole bunch of time. Is a caloric surplus the only environment in which hypertrophy will follow a stimulus? If so, how do you guys manage low BF % ? I've read some stuff from Brad Pilon who claims you don't need to eat much more than your BMR and includes fasting days and others who don't leave the house without whey protein drinks and a tupperware container of chicken.
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It feels like my strength is increasing too. I think its just because I never before found my maxes at anything. I am on my second week of 10s also. I did the body fat thingy the other day. My weight stayed the same but my body fat went down. So I assume I've gained some muscle there. That was a week ago, I've gained a lb or two since then. So i dont know what is going on myself. I hope its not fat, but muscle i'm gaining.
I'm in my second week of 10's (first HST cycle) and am losing around 1.5lbs each week without any cardio. I know almost everyone says you can't lose fat and gain lean muscle mass at the same time but my strength gains are improving each workout and I'm not a neewbie who just started lifting.

strength can increase without gaining muscle,oly/pl lifters do it all the time even though they stay in there weight classes.

I'm not sure I completely understand why we must eat inevitably to the point of gaining fat to increase muscle mass and then spend weeks trimming off the lard to get back in shape potentially wasting a whole bunch of time. Is a caloric surplus the only environment in which hypertrophy will follow a stimulus? If so, how do you guys manage low BF % ? I've read some stuff from Brad Pilon who claims you don't need to eat much more than your BMR and includes fasting days and others who don't leave the house without whey protein drinks and a tupperware container of chicken.
you do need a surplus ( unless your a newbie) but you dont have to get fat,just eat slightly above maintanence
I’m in my 2<SUP>nd</SUP> week of 10’s too, on my first cycle. Cant say if strength has gone up cause I’m lifting sub-max weight. I can say that my weight has stayed the same and I have noticeable lost of fat. I eat a little higher than maintenance and high protein.