Feel embarrised Doing the light weights on the 15s


New Member
On the first week of the 15s I feel embarrised doing such light weights I mean my 15 reps maxes aint that heavy so when i have to make it lighter by 6 increments it seems like im lifting next to nothing. You also get guys looking at you in the gym, chuckeling to them selfs about how little weight your using. Any one else feel like this ?
you can't care about what others in the gym think...i use to do the same thing, but it is a bad mentality and will only lead to doing more weight then you should causing improper form.

i am new to hst, but not new to lifting, but i am sure the begining of the 15s would make anyone feel silly. i suggest concentrating on your form and make sure you obtain hypertrophy, afterall thats what were all about! in time if hst works like i hope it will then you will be the one laughing in your head at the begining of a new cycle when you are bigger then the guys who looked down upon you.

also, most of the time, no one cares but you...trust me, it is probably mainly in your head, if anything your lighter weight makes them feel better about themselves, but i doubt they are laughing at you on the inside.
Yeah people have said this before here in the forum. A year from now they won't be chuckling. They will be asking you want program you are using. I have "converted" a few guys in my gym this way. Light wieght full body workout --they thought it was goofy. (though 5's and negs are not light weight)

Anyhow ---in a year and a half when you have great gains and they have plateaued they start asking -- "what's that web site again"

;) Bobby
I hear ya!

None of my 15RMs, and even my 5RMs are particularly high, so doing less than those might be a bit humbling. But, just have to do your own thing and keep at it. It doesn't matter what other people think, and its true.
I see overweight and underweight people at the gym every workout.

Honestly, no experienced person has contempt for any of them or what they're doing. Why, because we've all come from somewhere not so hot ourselves. We also know these people are going to have a tough time shaping up, because it's a tough journey and the gains can be miniscule from week to week. (not often discernible).

Respect is earned, that's sure, and everytime experienced bodybuilders see others struggling with their training they have respect for them. It's work and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

There is no contempt or eliteist attitudes I discerned from my point of view among experienced bb.

Workout on your training schedule and do your thing.


If anyone looks down on you it's from lack of experience and accomplishment on their part that let's them think disdainfully of others.

My experience...in six months I'm bigger and stronger than many of the guys in my gym that were doing just about then...what they are now training wise. Most are not any bigger and I don't disrespect them, it takes a strong committment to train adequately.

I remember seeing guys doing incline crunches with 15 lb weights held over their chest. I thought that was incredible.
Six months later I'm doing the same crunches with 45 lbs held to my chest.

It's so cool when you've got a great training program.
Today I was in the gym, doing my third workout of 15s--in other words, pretty light stuff. I did seated military presses for shoulders with only 55 pounds. The thought crossed my mind that putting five-pound plates on an Olympic barbell would look goofy, but I just reminded myself that I was there to put on muscle, NOT to prove anything to other people.

Just keep telling yourself the same thing when those kinds of thoughts cross your mind.

It's your problem, if you think it is.

it looks nice if you're doing the lightweights during 15s and still you're a lot bigger than the guy beside you doing heavy weights
I particularly agree with skinnyman........it's awesome to be bigger and doing the lightweight stuff next to a guy doing poor form, overweighted bench presses or throwing every muscle he has into his barbell curls.

Stick to the program, get the size, get the strength and in 6-8months you'll have those guys wondering what your secret is.

You can make the 15's pretty tough you know? Depending on the amount of sets you are doing and the rest between exercises. :confused:

If that does not do it, revert to doing extremely slow reps, that usually works, I have heard and it is normal of guys and gals looking for a bucket to throw up, due to all the lactic acid buildup!

Then, why do you worry about the geeks in the gym who are looking at you? You know what you are doing, usually because someone does something different from the
"popular" way, people start wondering!
And wonder they will, once you start putting in the build you desire, besides by the time you start with 5's and negs, those very same people will wonder "hey...this dude is doing something right look at the amount of weight he is repping".

Just keep going and worry not...let us now when you get to the negs, how are you doing then!
