Feeling Drained

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Greetings Folks,

Well, after my second last workout with 5RM I started to feel drained.

I did a search on the forum to see if anyone else felt this way and I did find one article that suggested that it was the CNS that needed a break. And someone suggested to do a short SD.

I followed that advice and I SD'd for the balance of the week. I when I worked out Monday by the end of it I felt like I was going to pass out.

Yes I am eating properly.

Any suggestions?
do you mean 2nd to last workout of the 5s if you are not unwell IMO you should have carried on untill the end of your cycle then SD the 5s can be hard but thats why they are at the end you then have 9 or 14 days to recover.
Yes that is what I meant....

Then there was the Negs

I hope I didn't mess everything up?
(deswal @ Mar. 28 2007,13:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yes that is what I meant....

Then there was the Negs

I hope I didn't mess everything up?</div>
no you havnt dont worry just carry on then have an SD.
The only other suggestion is to go down in load a bit, backup a week or so and star progressing again from there!

Usually that means you are not eating sufficiently or are carb depleated before working out! Try loading a few complex carbs before working out, like 30 - 60 minutes before.
Are you on a cut or a bulk?

Everyone says &quot;yes, I am eating properly&quot; but that doesn't mean it is so. How much are you eating? What is your bodyweight? Have you been getting enough sleep?
I am on a cut.

I am eating about 2000 - 2500 calories on work days
1000 calories on rest days.
As for sleeping 6-8 hours/night

This was suggested by someone I know here.

I am 6'4&quot; 210lb, according to the scale 23%BF which I want to get down to at least 15%.

Any other suggestions will be most welcome.

Someone also suggested the &quot;300 workout&quot; to do a cut with.  Any opinions?

Oh BTW just a quick FYI I have gotten the ok to work on my legs again from the doctor but he said to do it light.  He told me you can do everything except leg extensions.  ( I tore MCL and ACL ).  So I can finally get them started a little more
You are eating 1000 calories on off days? That's way too little, and I would jack it up to at least 1500.

I am currently cutting from about 14% bodyfat. I am 6'2&quot; and 235 lbs, and I average out to about 2500 calories/day. I look at it on a week by week basis. Possibly do some HIIT cardio on off days.
I do a fair bit of cardio every morning approx 45-60 mins @ the 'fat burning' zone of intensity.

I know it is not HIIT but I guess I can give HIIT a try.

Colby would you mind posting what your routine is I would appreacite it.

Like Colby said, you'll probably want to eat more on your offdays, simply for recovery. No wonder why you feel drained.
Also, 2000-2500 calories is a pretty big range. Pick one end of the range and stick to it. 500 calories is too much of a variance. 2500 a day should be enough to lose weight, that's a good starting point, but you could go down to 2000 a day if you aren't losing enough weight and you can keep energy up. But... don't be going back and forth between the two. Stick to one number and see if it works, that way you know what you need to change if you don't get results.
1000 calories is just way, way too low.

The 300 workout? Don't waste your time. Someone who isn't on drugs isn't going to be able to handle that kind of a workload while on a cut, and it's not a very good way to retain muscle mass anyway. Stick to HST.
I'm currently 6'3&quot; 250 24%BF down from 275 32% BF in January and 300ish last summer. I am also trying to get to 12-15%BF

There are some great post workout nutrition articles at t-nation


The Theory being morning and post workout your body is primed to absorb nutrients so they will go to muscle store as instead of stored as fat.

I'm a big believer in Surge used it in Febuary when I was on the velocity diet and lost 17 pounds in 4 weeks.


If you didn't do the math I lost 29lbs of fat and gained 4 lbs of musle in 3 months using HST and t-nation/Berardi nutrition principles.

You don't have to buy Surge I initally used Endurox R4 and a scoop of whey and BCAA's cause I already had it. Any 2:1 carb protien with BCAA's will work some just better than others. you can even get mass recovery drink at vitamin shoppe although they are expense to use everyday.

During the Velocity Diet I used HST instead of Chris's workout program since HST is better.

I'm currently lean bulking since I have been dieting for over 6 months and needed a break. I use Surge during and after workout. I only use 1.5 servings just cause I am carb sensitive since I was a FFB(former fat boy) I was as big as 350, so I have a hard time downing 700cals in an hour!

Just like HST there has been lots of reserach on the post workout recovery drinks and it's been proven to work.

I'm also into Road Cycling so in addition to HST every other day I ride 150 miles a week, mostly on weekends. if I have a HST session Saturday morning I workout then Surge go home change clothes and ride 30 miles on the road bike, and yes HST includes alternating squats or deadslifts, I then Surge after riding and I feel great.

You should give it a look.

If you want to avoid feeling drained during your workouts, you should pretty much ignore the last post. Velocity diet will surely allow you to lose something like 17 pounds in 4 weeks, I'd bet. But I think you know that's not a good thing. Unless you are on drugs, losing that much weight in such a short period is a recipe for heavy muscle loss.

Oh, but if you do try the Velocity diet, just remember that unless you use ALL the supplements they tell you to use, you aren't actually doing the Velocity diet. Also, to get the results they claim, you'll probably need to also add in a gram of test a week and two 50 mg tabs of dbol a day. You'll get shredded, bro.
My advice was not for him to do the velocity diet I was using it as a reference, It certianly would not give you boundless energy since carbs are pretty low 50grams/day.

Losing weight fast doesn't have to be bad, looking at it totality and keeping an open mind is nice. The Velocity diet was designed to retain LBM and by most user reports it retains LBM and many even gain muscle without drugs. Although it's not for everyone.

My advice was for proper pre/post workout nutrition in which the Velocity uses these principles. 2:1 carb/protien with BCAA's which could fix his immediate problem if he is not over trained or have endocrine problems, Diabetes/high blood sugars or other medical problems.

Surge from Biotest is great although you can make your own mixture, use ABB mass recovery or even use Naked Juice Protein drink which is faily close and works in a pinch.

As I have learned in life everything is not for everyone, I'm simply presenting options and evidence it's up to each persons to apply them to their own experience and make a choice.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm simply presenting options and evidence it's up to each persons to apply them to their own experience and make a choice.</div>
We have to be careful here to try and always present things that we know are workable and good for someone. If a suggestion is pertinent to cutting or bulking, the beginning or end of a cycle, or another program, we usually give that reference, rather than just put out blanket ideas that a newcomer might mistakenly use to his/her detriment.
In other words, we try not to assume the others reading a post have vast stores of BBing knowledge to pool from. IMO, the velocity diet is muscular suicide for many, regardless of what it's proponents claim.
The V-diet is only going to work for drug users or people who have very little muscle mass. It's retarded. Besides, it was just excuse to make a diet that requires a ton of their supplements. If you really want a crash diet, a PSMF is better but I still would not do that if I was not on AAS at the time.
(Totentanz @ Mar. 29 2007,17:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The V-diet is only going to work for drug users or people who have very little muscle mass.  It's retarded.  Besides, it was just excuse to make a diet that requires a ton of their supplements.  If you really want a crash diet, a PSMF is better but I still would not do that if I was not on AAS at the time.</div>
Yeah, really. Any diet that requires you use a list of supps that's actually longer than the FOOD list, run in the opposite direction, and never look back.

Unless you're in the obese category, like a contestant on &quot;The Biggest Loser&quot;, I don't think I could ever advocate losing 17 pounds in 4 weeks....ever!

I think Berardi is a smart cookie, but again, a carb:protein ratio of 2:1 just doesn't hold up while on a cut. It might get you from 30% to 20% bf, or even 20% bf to 15% bf, but once you get under 15% or so, the carbs have to come down. There's no other way around it.
With that v-diet, presumably you wouldn't be getting the vitamins and minerals you need from food? I wonder if this would start to have an effect in 4 weeks...or if people were doing it for longer, or were unhealthy when they started...?
I can't say as to that, but ALL of us should be taking a vitamin/mineral supp. The new science as I understand it though, is that we don't really need the supermegachockfulla eightthousand times RDA soopervitamin packs the gyms like to sell us. On the other hand, I've always felt that 100% RDA is sort of weak; I mean it's to keep you from a deficiency like scury or rickets that just doesn't happen anymore: the body has to be virtually depleted of vitamin C or E for that. (I think it was E) so therefore to get some health benefits I would think you'd need a bit more.
Perhaps DrPierre can chime in here with a word of wisdom.