Few Quick Questions About HST.


New Member
To start, sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section, I'm new to these forums..

Anyway, just want to clarify this, I'm not training to failure? Ok. All I need to know, really is how to set my sets up.. So we'll use my bench for example.. My 15RM is 135. So for my two weeks, it'd look like this(M/W/F Split)?: 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135.. right? Or should my first weight be no lower than 50% of my 5RM? (175), so it'd be like 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 135?

Last, any supplements you'd reccomend? I take protein.. cycle Creatine, use to take Glutamine/Arginine. I planned on only using Protein (along with a good diet), but any supps you'd reccomend?

Thanks in advance.. I appreciate all help I can get.
To start, sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section, I'm new to these forums..

Anyway, just want to clarify this, I'm not training to failure? Ok. All I need to know, really is how to set my sets up.. So we'll use my bench for example.. My 15RM is 135. So for my two weeks, it'd look like this(M/W/F Split)?: 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135.. right? Or should my first weight be no lower than 50% of my 5RM? (175), so it'd be like 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 135?

Last, any supplements you'd reccomend? I take protein.. cycle Creatine, use to take Glutamine/Arginine. I planned on only using Protein (along with a good diet), but any supps you'd reccomend?

Thanks in advance.. I appreciate all help I can get.

When I set up my first cycle - I read somewhere on here to make your first session loads at least 75% of your max for that rep range. Then use increments to increase the weight from session 1 to session 6. The increments could be 5, 10, 15 lbs - bigger increments for bigger lifts.

Pre workout I use creatine and a BCAA-based endurance-type drink (one has glutamine, can't remember which). Post workout I take whey protein. Throughout the normal course of a day I take fish oil. At night I take a multivitamin.

Its best not to take your first set in a mini cycle below 75% of R/M, then ramp up to R/M.

3 g at least of either flax seed oil, or omega 3 + 1 good multi-vitamin

Protein, high in carbs before training about 1 hour + Creatine 2.5 g

Protein, low in carbs after training (within 1 hour)