Find new maxes?


New Member
My latest SD has lasted a little longer than I had planned. It's been a little over three weeks. Also, I'm introducing a couple of new exercises this cycle. It would make sense to find my new maxes, but should I take a full week to do so?

Also, how do you find your maxes? Do you just keep adding weight until you can only do a certain number of reps? If you were to use this method, would you not become fatigued from your previous attempts, thus making the max inaccurate? Should I use a rep max calculator instead?
With only a three week SD, I would go with the maxes from the last cycle, they will still be close enough.

To test your maxes again, yes you should test the 15' one day (mon), then the 10's wens, 5's fri, then SD.

Start with a weight you know you can comfortably lift for the number of reps, if it's too light add about 5 Lbs after a two minute or longer rest, continue this until you find your max (non failure). Then do the same for 10's and 5's.

There is also an article on by Charles Ridgely that gives a more definitive way without all the work.

Also read the FAQ by Bryan on
Estimating RM's.