Finding max rep question?


New Member
Hi everyone. I will make this pretty simple.

Just so I am right, to find your max rep, you choose which exercise you are going to perform and lets say you are going to find it for the 15 range. you will load it up to the max that you can rep for 15 range?

I did look at the charts, therefore have a general understanding.

Do you feel it would be ok to input the max rep into one of the online calculators that will measure the 15, 10, and 5 rep range and go off of that for the overall numbers. And if I am correct, after each two weeks, you can bump your max number up by 5-10 lbs? or can it go more. What do you suggest? Thanks
Yes, you can use one of the online calculators, as long as you use some common sense with it. 5% per workout increment is fine, do not be afraid to zig zag. If you have done zero to a few HST cycles, no harm done, just adjust RM on the next cycle. I have been training for 35 years, believe me, one or 2 cycles is not that big if a deal in the grand scheme of things.