fing at 14.  IWhy Do You Like To Lift

Bob Evans

Ok I admit a bit of a goofy topic.  I am not sure what my answer would be to this but I wlll attempt an answer.  I started lifting at 14.  I just felt "guys should be muscular"  and yes I have a passion for it.

F'ing at 14? Isnt that a little young?

I do it becuase I enjoy feeling of pushing around heavy weight and the subsequent results.
I always wanted to be big and strong, my dad lifted weights.
I grew up on Schwarzenegger movies, and I always wanted to grow up to be a huge, muscular super-hero like he always plays in the movies.
Now I mainly just want to be physically fit and sexually attractive, although there is still that little boy in me who wants to be like Conan the Barbarian!
I started at 34 years old. I'm still 34 (for a month or so).
I first started lifting when I was about 12 years old. My dad used to train with weights once a week at the local youth club and I would go with him if I could. I remember seeing a poster of Arnie on the wall there. Wow! He was huge! I wanted to be like that.

Then my dad got some weights for home use along with a Weider course and some wall charts. I started doing that but I never gained any size cos I ate like a sparrow and was active all the time!

Didn't touch weights again much until I was at college. I trained pretty hard for a year when I was 19 but still didn't eat enough to gain much. Just got really lean.

Another 20 years (and a whole other life) later I was at a friend's. He had just seen Batman Begins and decided he wanted to muscle up a bit. He asked me if I fancied doing it too? I figured that I should have a go and so we joined a gym and I went right back into my old HIT routine with him!

After a few months of good gains in strength, progress started to grind to a halt. By chance my father-in-law mentioned that he thought training to failure was out of favour now. I was rather sceptical so started web searching and came across HST.

Finally, I am enjoying regular lifting along with regular progress. Even though I now know why I will never look like Arnie did, at 41 years young, I like the fact that I still have the chance to get in the best shape of my life.
I find it offers decent stress relief and (don’t laugh) ‘me time’.

I got serious about it to enhance and endure my sport of choice - kickboxing. From there it I guess I just ended up hooked.

first sorry about the typo in the title line. You can not edite that.

My story is the same my dad lifted and I just felt that is the way to be. guys should look like that. I know some guys were skinny or fat and over came that by getting into lifting--- but that was not my deal. I just though "that was the kind of guy I want to be" And though I started at 14 I have had many many years of not lifting (i regreat that) And I agree it is better for my head than my body. Sure I like having a nice chest or arms.....but man I can really blow out stress.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I find it offers decent stress relief and (don’t laugh) ‘me time’.</div>
Nobody will laugh at that, I think many lifters feel the same way. After a tiring and stressful day at job, working out really helps me relax and clear my head.
I'm quite short, and when I was young, this was a real hindrance. I was shy, weak, but I was smart, almost intellectual, most of my friends were geeks, heck, I was something of a geek.

I looked into working out, did some research, and &quot;got into&quot; it. By the time I was 17 and 18, everyone knew I worked out, I had that look.

So you could say it was to cure insecurities. On the other hand, I remained shy, smart, still intellectual, only thing that really changed was that I was no longer weak
Psychological reasons primarily for me. Keeps me calm, keeps my mood even. Best anti depressant on the market is a good weight set and a bench. The discipline is nice too, I like the structure. Plus I like being stronger than most people.
Stronger and better built than my age group(s) has worked for me. The real hook was my B&amp;A pics. Here's an old one...
When I was a child I liked the cartoons of muscle men, like he-man and others.
When I was a teenager I wanted to start weightlifting to get stronger. Problem was that gymnastic teachers said it was dangerous to do before 18 (bs).
So I didnt start until I was 17. I got stronger and after some years I also started liking the way I started looking and nowadays I train for several reasons:
Health (feeling good, but also to acquire and maintain a strong skeleton and joints)