fingers got stuck doing calf lifts


New Member
So I was calf lifting 195 for my last day of 15's for calf lifts.

When I stopped my fingers were stuck as if they were glued gripping an imaginary bar.

The pain was bad and eventually I straightened them.

Never had this happen before. I guess Im hitting new max loads.

What do any of you guys do to solve this problem?

I was wearing gloves too if that matters(it wasn't my skin that hurt).
Gettin' old, bro??? I've had cramps pop up in my hams when doing bench presses, pain in the side when doing skulls and a toe cramp or two. I think that the methods used to lessen cramping when doing PH's would be a benefit. Potassium supplementation, bananas, L-Tyrosine come to mind. Fish oil for joints.
Maybe I'M gettin' old, I can't remember if it was L-tyrosine or thiamine.