Finished my 15 Cycle - Help needed to proceed with 10


New Member
Hey guys,
Hope all is doing fine. I just finished my 15 cycle 2 days ago and i really love it so far but i got a couple of questions as im confused how to proceed with my 10 cycle.

1) is it ok to start my 10 cycle with my max 15 (which wasn't really accurate even though i tested it before, but i feel like i could have done couple of more rips in my last day) and then add little weight every exercise 1.1 kg (2.42 lbs) ? i did my calculating and i think if i started with my 15 max i will be able to add around 1.1 kg for each day till i reach my 10 max. or should i go down in weights and add 2.3 kg (5.07 lb) each day ?

2) what about dips and chen ups ? my max for dips is 20 and for chen ups is 12, that's only using body weight.
for my 15 cycle: i started dips with 15 reps and added one rep each workout and started chen ups with 7 and added one more rep each workout... was that a right approach ? and how can i proceed with those 2 exercises in the 10 cycle ? Please note that my gym don't have weighted belts, so i only can do them with my weight body.

3) for abs, should i do them to failure or just do the same approach i did for dips and chen ups ?

Again, thanks for your help and sorry if those questions were answered before i just didn't find what im looking for.
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1. A good starting weight for your 10's is your 15 rep max. Some people even go lower but I prefer not to. The amount of your increase will be dependent on the type of exercise, more for compounds and less for isolations but if you are not a seasoned lifter, say 5 years or more, you really do not need any isolation movements anyway.

2. Take longer to lower your body in chins and dips to get more time and tension. That effectively increases the load when you do not have a weight belt available and will limit the reps you can do. Some people also hold a dumbell between their feet to increase the load but I find that awkward.

3. I would not recommend using an HST approach to abs because you do not really want them to grow bigger. Diet creates their visibility. I usually go with one set of high reps (25-35 reps). Same thing for obliques. Using HST will widen your waist and you do not really want to do that, I don't think.

Happy lifting!

O&G :cool:
You can start your 10's at your 15rm weight. You should know what your 10rm weight is. Divide your weight progressions so you reach your 10 rep max weight at the end of your two week cycle. Your weight jumps will be higher in squats, maybe 10-20lbs, while your increases in curls would be much less, maybe 5 lbs.You can buy a belt with a chain attachment at a local sporting goods store. They are an excellent investment. Weighted dips/chins are excellent exercises.