Finished my first cycle. Have a question.


New Member
I just finished my first cycle. Very happy with the results. When I started I was 202 lb. Now I am 198 but dropped some fat. I mean if I can see the difference then it must have worked.

For my next cycle I want to simplify a little bit. I'm going to switch between deds/rows, lats/delts and do tris every other workout since I'm gonna start doing dips.

I'm also starting a ph with my next cycle. I'm gonna get on it during the 2nd week of 10's and stay with it for 4 week. I read the FAQ and I know it says 2 weeks is sufficient but I just don't feel comfortable with it. I took ph's before so I have an idea how they work. My question is: should I keep going with my routine till I finish my pct? I'm just wondering if extending my workouts will effect my CNS.

Thanks in advance.

BTW: English is my second language so sorry if the post is messy :)
Yes, continue with your cycle until you are done with PCT. You might have to drop the volume during PCT so you don't kill your CNS. Obviously your recovery will not be as good as it is during your cycle. However, you can definitely increase the volume a bit while on cycle.