Finishing HST Cycle early?


New Member
Hi everyone, currently facing a dilema as I am summer vacationing while simultaneously doing HST. Problem is, i will be leaving back to the states halfway through the first week of the 4th Cycle (3rm's/dropsets/). I will have to begin a deconditioning period after this as I will not have any access to a gym till university starts (which will be maximum 2 weeks). My question is, what should I do during the 3rd week? Should I do only one week of 5 rm's and 2 weeks of 3 rm with negatives? Or should I just go with the cycle as normal and only have 2 workout days of 3 rms? any advice would be helpful!
made no sense lol

wow after reading that post it really made no sense.

I will be leaving halfway through week 7 of the HST cycle. My question is, should I do only week 5 of 5 rms and have 6+ 7 of 3rm's or dropsets? or should I just do 5+6 with 5 rms and do only half of week 7 with dropsets?
oh okay gotcha. so for week 7 do I do 3 rm's in a 3X3 fashion or would you recommend 5 X 3? or is it also possible to work to 5 reps but do 3 on my own and have a spot help with the 2 negatives? thanks and sorry for so many quesitons I wanna get this right as its my first HST. lol
Yes you could do 3 reps then 2 forced negatives. Just do 3 - 5 sets depending on how strong you feel. If you go to failure or anything like that it won't be a big deal since you are going to be taking time off right afterward.