First Cycle Planning After Layoff


New Member
I know the standard advice for people who are already working out using some other method is to calculate RMs and do SD.

What about for someone like me who is coming back from a rather long lay off? Sign up to a gym, spend the first week figuring RMs, and then do SD?

Surely, my RMs will really suck since I am coming back from a layoff and go up quite a bit by the time I actually get to the 5s, right?

What do you think?
go ahead if you like without an sd use the first cycle as a learning one..good luck
do not figure youre rms out ! because you only will weep and cry after that.
maybe start with a vanilla hst routine or your old routine but start with 15`s thats good for your joints after a long break ! i started after a half year with 40% of my old rms. dont add weights too fast !
i have had the same thinking like you... but as i described above this will work good! look how you feel, and how your strength is going, so you can lengthen up maybe your 15 rep weeks , 10rep weeks and so on, maybe make some 8rep weeks between and so on... what will work good is the following:
(see first post)

so do not waist your time to figure out your rms !!!
start growing NOW
mybe you can search in my old posts, i have asked sopmething like this a few weeks or months ago !

Do you have old documentation of your previous cycle(s)? If so, then use those RM's, but drop the weight down a bit. If you don't feel like estimating, then take a week and test your RM's. If you haven't trained in several weeks, then I would suggest not taking an SD after your RM testing week and just dive into the 15's!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If so, then use those RM's, but drop the weight down a bit. If you don't feel like estimating, then take a week and test your RM's.</div>

only a bit ? i have had a break for an half year and i decided to start with 40% from my old rm`s and that was Ok ! after my first workout i have had &quot;muscle pain&quot; over my whole body!
So, the weight must be reduced depending on how long your break was ! after your first day you can load easily more but deloading is not so good (but ist should not be matter as much when you had a break which was long).

so there is ABSOLUTELY no need to figure rm`s for you ! because they will jump high very fast after a few training days or weeks.
at your position figuring out your rms would be not very usefull.

(i hope you know what i mean with the letters which are written in bold, because that is the jumping point why not to figure out your rm weights at this level of fitness)
My first cycle was after a six year lay-off. I just started the weights relatively low, and kept adding the specified increments as outlined in the vanilla HST program. Sure, I was a bit off in some of my lifts, but it doesn't make that much difference in the end. At the end of your first cycle you should have a fair idea of what your new maxes are like, and go from there.