First day of 15's cycles


New Member
Yesterday was my first day ever of trying HST, and I got a somewhat considerable amount (still not massive) of DOMS.Also, while training yesterday, I was kinda fatigued but I noticed that I wasn't resting enough between exercises, and I'm doing myo-reps in most exercises. Is it true that if you feel fatigued you're doing HST wrong?

Overall, I feel very happy with the training principles. While doing myo-reps I did the first initial set of 15 reps, then 3 sets of 4 reps and the last set of 3 reps, with 10-15 secs of rest between each set. In my 10's week I think I'll be going either 10+4+3+3 or 10+3+3+2+2, still don't know which would be better. I won't be doing myo-reps in the last month of the cycle though.
Someone more knowledgable may correct me, but I don't believe there is any strict rep scheme for them after the activation set. For the 10's and first week of 5's (currently cutting, so skipped 15's), my activation set is as many reps as possible shy of failure by one or two reps, then 15 sec. pause and repeat until I've met my target reps for the lift. Looking at my log, here are the myo-reps for various lifts: 11+4+3+3, 17+6+5, 12+5+4, 11+6+4
T you’ve got it right that there are no set numbers for the activation set or following myo-rep clusters, you keep going until you are just short 1-2 reps of failure. I would say that if you are hitting more than 5 reps on your clusters then either the weight is too light or taking too much time between clusters. Also time between clusters should vary with less time when the weights are light and more time up to 30 seconds when the weights are heavy.

Also myo-reps are best used with weights that allow you to hit about 8 reps or more for your activation set. Once you get down to around 5 reps you are getting pretty complete muscle fiber activation from the 1st rep so myo-reps don’t really add much by “pre-exhausting” your muscles.

Yes Myrrhman myo-reps will give you DOMS when you first start doing them because it’s likely a new stimulus for your muscle. I just switched back to using myo-reps after trying straight sets/reps for a while and felt DOMS the first workout. You can also feel fatigued when doing them at first especially if you incorporate them into most of your lifts at the same time. You will adapt to this, how fast will depend on your general level of fitness and if something like myo-reps is completely new to you or not.