first girl HST routine critiq me


New Member
I'm 5'6" 118lb, I workout almost 4 years and now I would like try something new for me. Long time I did it 5xtraining routine now I wan t try HST, I'm not sure if is my routine OK so please critique it..

I want workout 3x/week MO/We/ Fr
1.week 15 rep each exercise
2. week 10
3. week 5
4. week 5rep

My schedule on monday
Squat 1x 15
SLDL 2x 15
Incline Bench 2x 15
dumb. fly 1x 15
Bent over rows 2x 15
Chins 1x 15
Military press 2x 15
Lateral raise 1x 15
EZ bar curls 2x 15
triceps extens 2x 15
crunches 2x 15

each day I 'll add 5-10 pounds.

So how it look like, what do you think??
Looks A-Okay to me

just one question though, I'm assuming you've tested all your maxes and worked out the numbers for the entire cycle (15's, 10's & 5's - or whatever rep ranges you're using). Are you having problems zig zagging the weights? esp with 5-10lbs increments?

I've been trying to help my wife set up a HST routine and the numbers are crazy. (weights are repeated in different rep ranges & sometimes even drop if we stick to 5lb increments)

Let me know how it goes
Looks good to me, its actually almost identical to mine, but I plan on adding negatives after the fives.

Joe G
Hey Komar :)

Well, it looks ok, but you have to tell us some basics:
1) Have you tested your maxes for each category? (15, 10, and 5RM)
2) Will you be training with your max weights for the last workout of the week for a category? (15, 10 or 5RM) Or are you just incrementing from the start to the finish, no zigzagging and no repating weights?
3) Also, being 5'6" and 118 lbs but training for 4 years already, can you also tell us about your diet? Can you measure how much protein and calories you eat everyday? This is also important because without a proper diet, you won't be making any gains at all.

I'm littel bit confused with my weights, you have god question about max..I don't know now how much have I lift, because for example my max what I did on squat is 100lb 5 rep. So now my forst week if I have make 15 rep I don't know how much must I lift. Or another examples Milittary press I did it 50lb max 4-5rep.
I'm not sure if is this program now for me. what do you think?
My diet I'm 5'6" 118 I eat now 1400cal. 150-160protein, 100-120 carb around 30fat.
Welcome Komar

Some basics:

If you can get the 1RM for each exercise, then use this:

15's build up to 65 - 70% of 1 RM
10's up to 75 - 80% of 1 RM
5's up to 90 - 95% of 1 RM
2nd week of 5's or negatives up to 100% of 1 RM, som people go beyond this.

If you are using 5RM's then add up 10 110 - 120% of that rep max at the end of your last 2 weeks of 5's.

The first week of 5's go up to 100%.

The 10's and 15's, either you work out the maxs for each scheme or follow as above.

Increments - I prefer using 5% for isolations and 10 % for compounds, as with some exercises you will get stuck (eg: lateral raises and other small exercises).

Diet - best for growth is 50% carbs/25% protein and 25% fat (EFA's and the like)

You will have to give us some more detail so that we can help you.

Repeating weights as in zigzagging is not problematic and should still help you to grow as it takes a while to get repeated bout effect (RBE).

Hope this helps.
Hello. :)

Fausto pretty much nailed it in the head for just about everything.

But Komar, I can't help but notice the thread title "first girl HST routine...", and then when I asked about your diet, you said you ate 1400 kcal.

I just don't get it, so please bear with me.

So far, I understand you are a girl, right? So naturally, I guess you don't eat like a monster, seeing you only eat 1400kcal a day. But what is your purpose in training? Do you want to get toned, or do you want to develop big strong muscles?

Depending on what your goal is, our advice would greatly differ.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Fausto pretty much nailed it in the head for just about everything.

Thank you
Have been reading the FAQ's nightly and with lots of concentration, although I knew a lot of the basics, now my understanding is sooo much better, more of a reason I may be wasting my time with Vince, but I like to tease, and let's admit we can still learn something from the guy afterall :D

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]But what is your purpose in training? Do you want to get toned, or do you want to develop big strong muscles?

Komar, it would be good if we knew your purpose, as you may be eating on the deficit zone, and then you will not get to your purpose, if I have it right.

Whatever the purpose, you will have to put on some muscle to look toned, in which case the knowledge of purpose is inevitably necessary